From the Lab to the Marketplace (1995)

Awards and Citations

  • National Fenestration Rating Council Technical Achievement Award - 1994
    Dariush Arasteh
  • In recognition of exemplary contributions to the NFRC mission through outstanding scientific and technical achievement and leadership in the development of NFRC technical procedures.
  • Federal Laboratory Consortium Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer - 1994
    Michael Siminovitch
  • Thermally efficient compact fluorescent downlights.
  • U.S. Department of Energy, Sadi Carnot Award - 1993
    Arthur Rosenfeld
  • For lifetime achievement in the field of energy conservation and renewable energy.
  • U.S. Federal Energy Management Program Sustained Exemplary Service Award - 1993
    LBNL In-House Energy Management Program
  • National Research Council's Transportation Research Board Fred Burggraf Award - 1993
    Jonathan Koomey, Deborah Schechter, Deborah Gordon
  • Excellence in transportation research by researchers 35 years of age or younger. For the article entitled "Cost Effectiveness of Fuel Economy Improvements in 1992 Honda Civic Hatchbacks."
  • Federal Laboratory Consortium Special Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer - 1993
    Stephen Selkowitz and Dariush Arasteh
  • Superwindows.
  • Popular Science Magazine's Best New Product Award - 1991
    Dariush Arasteh, Stephen Selkowitz, Brent Griffith
  • Grand award in home technology category for development of gas-filled insulating panels.
  • PEW Charitable Trust Award - 1991
    Ashok Gadgil
  • Award of $150,000 over three years, for work related to promoting energy efficiency in developing countries.
  • Energy Efficient Buildings Association Technical Award - 1991
    Stephen Selkowitz
  • Recognizing exceptional technical contributions to energy-efficient buildings design and practice.
  • Federal Laboratory Consortium Special Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer - 1989
    Fred Winkelmann, Ender Erdem, Kathy Ellington, Bruce Birdsall, Fred Buhl
  • For developing, documenting, disseminating, and supporting the DOE-2 program for simulating building energy use.
  • Citation from Progressive Architecture Magazine - 1989
    Stephen Selkowitz, Dariush Arasteh, Michael Wilde, Bob Sullivan, Francis Rubenstein
  • For development of a Skylight Design Manual and accompanying software to help architects and engineers use skylights in a more energy-efficient manner.
  • American Physical Society's Leo Szilard Award for Physics in the Public Interest - 1989
    Anthony Nero
  • For work on indoor radon, nuclear proliferation, and reactor safety.
  • ASHRAE Willis H. Carrier Award - 1988
    Joseph Eto
  • For best presentation by an author under the age of 32 describing work using DOE-2 to study economic impacts of then-pending revisions to the ASHRAE standards for ventilation.
  • ASHRAE Crosby Field Award - 1988
    Joseph Eto
  • For the best technical paper describing work using DOE-2 to study economic impacts of then-pending revisions to the ASHRAE standards for fresh air ventilation.
  • Federal Laboratory Consortium Special Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer - 1988
    Stephen Selkowitz and co-workers
  • For developing and transferring to industry the WINDOW thermal analysis computer program.
  • U.S. Department of Energy, Sadi Carnot Award - 1988
    Sam Berman
  • For contributions to the development of high-frequency solid-state ballasts and advances in energy-efficient windows.
  • American Physical Society's Leo Szilard Award for Physics in the Public Interest - 1986
    Arthur Rosenfeld
  • For advancing energy-efficiency technologies.
  • Citation from Progressive Architecture Magazine - 1985
    Stephen Selkowitz and co-workers
  • For developing the sky simulator that enables architects and engineers to realistically test daylighting designs.
  • Citation from Progressive Architecture Magazine - 1984
    Ron Ritschard and Joe Huang
  • For developing energy calculating slide rules.
  • ASHRAE Willis H. Carrier Award - 1979
    Stephen Selkowitz
  • For best presentation by an author under the age of 32 of a paper describing advanced window system performance.