[NPS Arrowhead] U.S. Dept. of Interior National Park Service Archeology Program
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Chapter 2
Report on the Osteological Assessment of the "Kennewick Man" Skeleton (CENWW.97.Kennewick)
Joseph F. Powell and Jerome C. Rose

Table 6
[Long description]

Estimates of living stature based on the estimated length of the tibia
s.e. Whites S.E. Blacks S.E. Mongoloid S.E. Mexican S.E.
White 4 38.65 1.98 176.018 6.7 170.6635 7.5 173.8335 6.5 171.834 7.4
  5 38.29 2.49 175.1108 8.4 169.8751 9.4 172.9731 8.1 170.9844 9.3
  4+5 40.87 1.82 181.6124 6.1 175.5253 6.9 179.1393 6.0 177.0732 6.8
Black 4 41.11 2.19 182.2172 7.4 176.0509 8.3 179.7129 7.2 177.6396 8.2
  5 41.45 2.83 183.074 9.5 176.7955 10.7 180.5255 9.3 178.442 10.6
  4+5 42.06 2.14 184.6112 7.2 178.1314 8.1 181.9834 7.0 179.8816 8.0
4 38.4 1.58 175.388 5.3 170.116 6.0 173.236 5.2 171.244 5.9
  5 37.1 1.64 172.112 5.5 167.269 6.2 170.129 5.4 168.176 6.1
  4+5 38.3 1.55 175.136 5.2 169.897 5.9 172.997 5.1 171.008 5.8
Means       178.3644   172.70263   176.05886   174.031422  
Grand Means       175.289328              
s.e.     Standard error for estimates of long bone length
S.E.    Standard error for stature, after accounting for error of bone length estimates (s.e.)

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