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September 21, 2008         DOL Home > OALJ Home > Whistleblower Collection
Willy v. The Coastal Corp., 85-CAA-1 (ARB July 1, 1996)

In the Matter Of

DONALD J. WILLY,                   CASE NO. 85-CAA-1

          COMPLAINANT,             DATE:  July 1, 1996




BEFORE:   The Administrative Review Board[1] 

     The Secretary remanded this case to the Administrative Law
Judge (ALJ) to calculate back pay due the Complainant Donald J.
Willy.  The Secretary found that Respondent discriminated against
Willy when it fired him but rejected the ALJ's recommendation to
deny all relief because at the hearing Willy misrepresented his
attempts to mitigate damages.  Willy argued before the ALJ on
remand that he is also entitled to exemplary or punitive damages
under some of the statutes under which the complaint in this case
was filed.  The ALJ has requested clarification of whether the
Secretary's remand order allows for consideration of an award of
exemplary damages in addition to back pay.

     On remand, the ALJ should make a recommendation whether the
Board should award exemplary damages, and the amount of the
award, if any, under any of the statutes providing for such
damages.  See, e.g., the Toxic Substances Control Act, 15
U.S.C. § 2622(b)(2)(B) (1988) ("the Secretary shall order .
. . where appropriate, exemplary damages."); Johnson v. Old
Dominion Security, Case No. 86-CAA-3,4,5, Sec'y. Dec. May 29,
1991, slip op. at 28-30; Pogue v. United States Dep't of the
Navy, Case No. 87-ERA-21, Sec'y. Dec. on Remand Apr. 14,
1994, slip op. 
at 15-22.

[PAGE 2] SO ORDERED. _____________________ DAVID A. O'BRIEN Chair _____________________ KARL J. SANDSTROM Member _____________________ JOYCE D. MILLER Alternate Member [ENDNOTES] [1] This case was filed before the Secretary of Labor pursuant to the Clean Air Act and 29 C.F.R. Part 24. On April 17, 1996, the Secretary delegated jurisdiction to issue final agency decisions under this statute and these regulations to the newly created Administrative Review Board (the Board). Secretary's Order 2-96 (Apr. 17, 1996), 61 Fed. Reg. 19978, May 3, 1996 (copy attached).

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