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For Immediate Release:  March 31, 2008

HONOLULU – Governor Linda Lingle today announced a collaborative public-private partnership to establish a wind technology program on Maui as part of the Administration’s ongoing efforts to increase Hawai‘i’s energy independence. 
The U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), the nation’s primary laboratory for energy efficiency and renewable energy research and development, today signed a memorandum of understanding with UPC Wind to establish a Remote Research Affiliate Partner Site at UPC Wind’s Kaheawa Wind Farm on Maui.  It is the first such partner site for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s wind technology program outside of its base in Colorado.
This latest partnership expands on the Hawai‘i Clean Energy Initiative that was initiated between the State of Hawai‘i and the U.S. Department of Energy in January which aims to have 70 percent of Hawai‘i’s energy come from clean, renewable sources by 2030.
The Maui partner site will conduct research and development on advanced wind energy technologies, including operational and control studies, energy storage options and integration of renewable electricity into existing grids.  The research’s goal is to help maximize the integration of wind into Hawai‘i's utility system so that this renewable resource can compete with traditional energy sources, providing a clean, renewable alternative for Hawai‘i’s and the nation’s energy needs.
“The establishment of a partner site of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory on Maui recognizes our islands’ abundant renewable resources, and the advancements we are making to transform Hawai‘i into one of the world’s first economies based primarily on clean energy resources,” said Governor Lingle.  “This partnership will provide Hawai‘i with invaluable technical assistance, access to leading-edge research, and relationships with additional national partners as we seek to develop innovative approaches to increase our energy independence and reduce our reliance on imported fossil fuels,” the Governor added.

"The U.S. Department of Energy is pleased to commit the expertise of its National Renewable Energy Laboratory to help harness Hawai‘i’s unique abundance of natural resources and showcase the broad benefits of renewable energy technologies and alternative fuels at work on an unprecedented scale," DOE Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Andy Karsner said.  “We look forward to further public-private partnerships that will advance the goals of the Hawai‘i Clean Energy Initiative and serve as an example to be replicated in the United States and other island communities around the world.”

“This is the first presence for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s wind technology program outside of its base in Colorado,” said NREL Director Dan Arvizu who is in Hawai‘i to sign the agreement and inspect the new Maui site.  “NREL recognizes the potential in Hawai‘i both to deploy wind technologies to meet our energy needs and to use successes here as models for other states and regions.”
Wind energy is one of many renewable resources and technologies being built into the Hawai‘i Clean Energy Initiative.
“Our Kaheawa Wind Farm is an ideal site to aggressively explore what can be done to reduce Hawai‘i’s dependence on imported oil,” said Paul Gaynor, president and CEO of UPC Wind Partners, LLC.  “Governor Lingle has made a concerted effort to encourage wind power development in Hawai‘i, as the state seeks to grow its energy independence. We’re looking forward to participating in this partnership to help develop new technologies that can grow the wind industry as the leading provider of renewable power in the country.”

“For Hawai‘i to achieve the bold 70 percent clean energy target in one generation, partnerships between the public and private sectors; among federal, state and local government entities and between research institutions and industry will be critical,” the Governor said. “It will require a fundamental transformation in how Hawai‘i generates, transmits and uses energy.”

The four Hawai‘i Clean Energy Initiative technical working groups that are focusing on this transformation have recently completed their first round of work.  This work focused on identifying barriers to the rapid adoption of clean energy in areas of electricity generation; transmission and distribution; end-user efficiency; and transportation, including biofuels and advanced transportation technologies.
The wind technology program, located at the base of the foothills just south of Boulder, Colo., is the nation’s premier wind energy technology research facility. Operated by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy, the program provides an ideal environment for the development of advanced wind energy technologies.

For additional information about the Lingle-Aiona Administration’s energy efficiency initiatives, visit

For more information, contact:

Ted Liu 
Dept. of Business, Economic Development and Tourism
Phone: (808) 586-2355

William Parks
Deputy Assistant Secretary
U.S. Dept. of Energy
Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability
Phone: (808) 586-2663

Lenny Klompus
Senior Advisor – Communications
Phone: (808) 586-7708

Russell Pang
Chief of Media Relations
Phone: (808) 586-0043

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