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Free Internet Filing Act

Statement by U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka

April 5, 2006
Thank you, Mr. President. As the tax filing deadline approaches, I am delighted to introduce the Free Internet Filing Act. The bill requires the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to provide universal access to individual taxpayers filing their tax returns directly through the IRS Web site. I thank Senator Bingaman for cosponsoring this bill and working with me on so many issues that are important to taxpayers.

It is frustrating that individual taxpayers completing their own returns are not able to file directly with the IRS. Taxpayers are dependent on commercial preparers to electronically file their taxes. If a taxpayer takes the time necessary to prepare their returns by themselves, they must be provided with the option of electronically filing directly with the IRS. My legislation would make this direct filing possible.

Mr. President, the current system that provides a select group of taxpayers with the ability to file electronically for free using third party intermediaries, called the Free File Alliance, is a failure. In testimony before the Finance Committee yesterday, The National Taxpayer Advocate, Ms. Nina Olson, testified that "As currently structured, Free File amounts to a Wild, Wild West of differing eligibility requirements, differing capabilities, differing availability of and fees for add-on products, and many sites that are difficult to use." Ms. Olson also stated that the "IRS should place a basic, fill-in template on its website to allow any taxpayer who wants to self-prepare his or her return to do so and file directly with the IRS for free." I completely agree.

The current Free File Alliance agreement leaves out too many taxpayers. Taxpayers that make more than $50,000 are not eligible. In addition, tax preparation companies try to sell additional products and services, such as refund anticipation loans, to consumers that utilize their free file services that are accessed via the IRS Web site. Taxpayers should not be forced to access online filing through companies that peddle services and products to them. Taxpayers are directed to these companies via the IRS Web site. This should not happen. While paying their taxes and fulfilling their obligations, taxpayers should be allowed to file directly without being subjected to sales pitches or ads. Taxpayers should not have the additional worry associated with sharing their private financial information with a tax preparation company. In the current environment where there have been so many electronic breeches of financial information, taxpayers should not be forced to hand over their private information if they want to electronically file their return with the IRS. Taxpayers should not lose out on the benefits of electronic filing simply because they are worried about sending their data to third parties.

My legislation will help increase the number of electronically filed returns. As Ms. Olson pointed out, nearly 45 million returns prepared using software are mailed in rather than electronically filed. With universal access to free e-file, this number could be substantially reduced. Electronic returns help taxpayers receive their refunds faster than mailing them in. This would also save the IRS resources and reduce possible errors that can occur when the mailed in returns are transcribed.

I want to take a moment to express my appreciation for all of the tremendous work that Ms. Olson has done in an attempt to improve the lives of taxpayers. It is a pleasure to work with Ms. Olson and her staff both in Washington and Hawaii. I look forward to continuing to work with the National Taxpayer Advocate, other Treasury officials, and my colleagues to expand access to Internet filing.

Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the full text of the bill be printed in the Record. I also ask unanimous consent that a letter of support from the Hawaii Alliance for Community-Based Economic Development be included in the Record. Thank you, Mr. President.

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April 2006

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