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Barnett v. Tennessee Valley Authority, 88-ERA-3 (Sec'y July 29, 1992)

DATE: July 29, 1992








    Before me for review is the Recommended Decision and Order (R.D.
and O.) of the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) in this proceeding
under the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended (ERA), 42
U.S.C. § 5851 (1988).  The ALJ recommended that the complaint
be dismissed, finding that Complainant failed to establish that he
was subjected to discrimination during his temporary employment
(July 1, 1987 through September 1, 1987) as a boilermaker-welder
with the Tennessee Valley Authority's (TVA's) Modifications Group at
the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant [1] by reason of filing any
past safety complaint with the Nuclear

Regulatory Commission (NRC).  Complainant proceeded pro
se throughout the proceedings.
    The record, including the parties' briefs, stipulations,
exhibits and hearing transcript, has been reviewed closely, and it
fully supports the ALJ's comprehensive and detailed findings set
forth in his nineteen-page, single-spaced R.D. and O. (copy 

[PAGE 2] appended), which I adopt in full. Billings v. TVA, Case No. 87ERA-5, Sec. Final Dec. and Ord., Sept. 25, 1990, slip op. at 3. Accordingly, I agree with the ALJ that TVA did not discriminate against Complainant in 1987 because of his 1982 safety complaint to the NRC or his 1986 harassment and intimidation complaint to the United States Department of Labor, R.D. and O. at 2, 5-6, when, inter alia, 1. He was first given and failed a "plate" welding test, rather than the usual "pipe" test normally used in his employment unit for qualification purposes since the disparity was bona fide and business-related and testing was needed beyond Complainant's known testing credentials. The various managers and others involved in testing Complainant were not aware of his past with the Browns Ferry plant nor his prior complaint to the NRC. R.D. and O. at 9-11, 17. [2] Moreover, TVA personnel readily complied with Complainant's request to be retested with the "pipe" test, which he passed. R.D. and O. at 11, 17. 2 He was subject to three layoffs. R.D. and O. at 4-5, 11-13, 17-19. His first layoff was caused by the early return of the injured employee whom he temporarily replaced. Further, upon consideration of his concerns, additional work was found for Complainant and the first layoff was cancelled. R.D. and O. at 4, 12-13. Complainant was not guaranteed a specified length of employment by reason of his Appointment Affidavit and Conditions contract, TVA Exh. 2, providing for a temporary appointment "not to extend past 88/06/23 [11 months and 29 days]," since the period specified therein merely established a maximum employment period. R.D. and O. at 17-18. His final termination occurred simultaneously with and was no different from that of the other two boilermakers in his unit when their work was completed. R.D. and O. at 5, 13-14, 18. Moreover, Complainant's discrimination argument is belied by his rapid reemployment at TVA's Colbert plant. See n.1. Further, as in this case, "where a significant period of
[PAGE 3] time elapses between the protected activity [Complainant's 1982 safety complaint to the NRC] and the adverse action[s], the absence of a causal connection between the protected activity and the adverse action[s] may be sufficiently established." Shusterman v. Ebasco Services, Inc., Case No. 87-ERA-27, Sec. Final Dec. and Ord., Jan. 6, 1992, slip op. at 7-8. Complainant has not proved that the challenged actions were motivated by protected activity in contravention of ERA nondiscrimination requirements. See Guttman v. Passaic Valley Sewerage Commissioners, Case No. 85-WPC-2, Sec. Final Dec. and Ord., Mar. 13, 1992, slip op. at 9-10, 16-18, appeal docketed. Case No. 92-3261 (3d Cir. 1992); Shusterman v. Ebasco Services Inc., slip op. at 5-9, 11; Billings v. TVA, slip op. at 1-3. Accordingly, this case is DISMISSED. SO ORDERED. LYNN MARTIN Secretary of Labor Washington, DC [ENDNOTES] [1] Complainant offered no explanantion for the incongruity of his discrimination allegations vis-a-vis his almost immediate rehire at TVA's Colbert Fossil Plant. Hearing Transcript (T.), Nov. 24, 1987, at 14, 18; R.D. and O. at 14. [2] See Wagoner v. Technical Products, Inc., Case No. 87-TSC-4, Sec. Final Dec. and Ord., Nov. 20, 1990, slip op. at 13-15, 17 (participants in discharge decision unaware of complainant's prior safety complaints).

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