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Lahoti v. Brown & Root, 90-ERA-3 (ALJ Mar. 9, 1990)

                          U.S. Department of Labor
                    Office of Administrative Law Judges
                         Heritage Plaza, Suite 530
                        111 Veterans Memorial Blvd.
                             Metairie. LA 70005


In the Matter of





[PAGE 1] This proceeding arises under the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended (hereinafter referred to as "the Act"), 42 U.S.C. Section 5851 et seq., and its implementing regulations, 29 C.F.R. Section 24. Mr. Ramesh C. Lahoti, Complainant, filed this action against Brown & Root and Texas Utilities, Respondents. A pre-trial conference was conducted in Dallas, Texas January 2, 1990. At that time the Court indicated that it would consider the Motion for Summary Judgment filed by Respondent Brown & Root November 17, 1989. Respondent Texas Utilities filed a Motion to Dismiss or in the Alternative for Summary Judgement January 12, 1990. Complainant, who is pro se and currently in India, was given until February 2, 1990 to file responses. No response has been filed. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Complainant was deposed in Dallas, Texas November 29 and December 1, 1989. Hearing exhibits 2 & 3). Complainant testified that he was employed by Brown & Root as a Quality Control Inspector from December 16, 1981 until he was terminated February 22, 1989. (Hearing exhibit 2, p.40). After being discharged, Complainant contacted Mr. J.F. Streeter, Texas Utilities' Director, of Quality Assurance, and Mr. R.J. Vurpillat, Brown and Root's Quality Assurance Manager, regarding the circumstances of his dismissal. (Hearing Exhibit 2 pp.l07-10; 116-17, 118, 138-39; Hearing Exhibit 4 (also marked Deposition Exhibits 8,9, and 17)). Complainant testified that his first contact with the Nuclear Regulatory Agency was July 12, 1989. During that conversation it was suggested to Complainant that he contact the Department of Labor. This was the first discussion by anyone concerning contacting the Department of Labor. Subsequently, Complainant filed a complaint with the Department of Labor October 11, 1989. (Hearing Exhibit 2 pp. 70, 146, Hearing Exhibit 3 p.244, Hearing Exhibit 4 (also marked Deposition Exhibit 3)). Complainant testified that no management employee of Brown & Root or Texas Utilities advised against contacting the Nuclear Regulatory Commission or the Department of Labor. In fact, no one advised Complainant against contacting either agency. (Hearing Exhibit 2 pp. 148-9). Complainant alleges that the correspondence from Respondent
[PAGE 2] dated March 28, June 2, and June 14, 1989 may have been designed to delay the filing of a complaint with the Department of Labor. (Hearing Exhibit 4). A review of the correspondence does not support Complainant's contention and he did not file a complaint until approximately four months after the correspondence dated June 14, 1989. There is nothing in the record which would warrant an equitable tolling of the statute of limitations. Hicks v.Colonial Motor Freight Lines, 84-STA-20 (December 10, 1985). The Court concludes, therefore, that Complainant did not file a complaint within thirty (30) days of the alleged violation in accordance with 42 U.S.C. Section 5851 (b)(l) and 20 C.F.R. Section 24.3 (b). It is, therefore, ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that the Motions for Summary Judgement filed by Respondents are GRANTED and this case is hereby DISMISSED. Entered this Ninth day of March, 1990, at Metairie, Louisiana. JAMES W. KERR, JR Administrative Law Judge JWK:dqc d/47

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