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Ass't Sec'y & Miller v. Brenner Ice, Inc., 94-STA-10 (ALJ Apr. 21, 1994)

DATE: April 21, 1994

Case  No. 94-STA-10   

In the Matter of


         Prosecuting Parties

MAZUREK, President, 

                            DECISION AND ORDER

     On December 13, 1993 this matter was duly set for trial on
January 10, 1994 in Seattle, Washington.  On January 10, 1994 the
case was called for trial.  Cathy Barnes, Esq. appeared on behalf
of the prosecuting parties but no one appeared for respondents. 
A record was made without the respondents' participation.  Ms.
Barnes introduced a letter, ostensibly from Mr. Michael Mazurek,
received by her office in response to my order.  (Govt. Ex. 1,
attached to transcript of proceedings.)  I infer that respondents
had notice of my order of December 13, and so find.
     The prosecuting parties made a prima facie case that
the "Secretary's Findings" dated October 20, 1993 and
signed by James W. Lake, Regional Administrator, Occupational
Safety & Health Administration, Region X, were accurate.  A copy
of said findings is attached hereto and incorporated by this
     On January 19, 1994, pursuant to 29 CFR Part 1978 and 29 CFR
§18.39, I issued an Order to respondents ordering them: 

          "to show cause, if any, why you failed to
          appear at the scheduled trial of this matter
          on January 10, 1994, at 2:00 P.M., in
          Seattle, Washington, and why a default
          judgment should not be entered against you.

[PAGE 2] "Such cause must be shown in writing addressed to the undersigned and received in this office no later than at 5:00 P.M. on February 4, 1994." No response to said order has been received. On the basis of the evidence presented at the trial I find that the attached Secretary's Findings are true, that Kenneth D. Miller was fired by Brenner Ice, Inc. and Michael Mazurek, its president, in violation of §405 of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, and that said respondents are indebted to said Kenneth D. Miller for lost wages from March 15, 1993 through September 5, 1993, at the rate of $650 every two weeks, less $170 that Miller earned elsewhere during this period, plus interest at 7% annually, compounded quarterly. (March 15 - September 6 = 25 weeks. $650 every 2 weeks = $325 per week. $325 x 25 weeks = $8,125. $8,125 - $170 = $7,955. $7,955 x 25/52 x .07 = $267.72. $7,955 + $267.72 = $8,222.72.) ORDER Respondents shall pay Kenneth D. Miller $8,222.72 plus interest at the rate of 7% per annum, compounded quarterly, from September 6, 1993 until paid. Respondents are further ordered to expunge from Kenneth D. Miller's personnel records any adverse references to his discharge or to any protected activity. Thomas Schneider Administrative Law Judge U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety & Health Administration 1111 Third Avenue - Suite 715 Seattle, Washington 98101-3212 In the matter of:
[PAGE 3] Brenner Ice, Inc., and Kenneth D. Milier Section 405 Complaint, Case File No. 0-1960-93-014 STAA 506 SECRETARY'S FINDINGS Pursuant to Section 405 of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982 (hereinafter "STAA") (49 U.S.C. 2305), complainant, Kenneth D. Miller, filed a complaint with the Secretary of Labor, alleging that respondent, Brenner Ice, Inc., discriminatorily discharged complainant for refusing to operate a vehicle when such operation constituted a violation of a federal regulation applicable to commercial motor vehicle safety. The respondent denied these allegations. Following an investigation of this matter by a duly authorized investigator, the Secretary of Labor, acting through his agent, the Regional Administrator for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Region X, pursuant to Section 405 of the STAA and the Secretary's Order 9-83, 48 F.R. 35736 (August 5, 1983), and delegation of authority in Chapter X of the Field Operations Manual, OSHA instruction CPL 2.45A makes the following findings: 1. (a) Respondent, Brenner Ice, Inc., is engaged in intrastate trucking operations and maintains a place of business in Granite Falls, Washington. In the regular course of this business, respondent's employees operated commercial motor vehicles in commerce principally to transport cargo. (b) Respondent is now and, at all times material herein, has been a person as defined in Section 401(4) of the Act (49 U.S.C. 2301(4)). 2. (a) In approximately July 1991, Brenner Ice, Inc., hired complainant, Kenneth D. Miller, as a driver of a commercial motor vehicle, a truck having a gross vehicle weight rating in excess of 10,000 pounds. (b) At all times material herein, Kenneth D. Miller was an employee in that he was a driver of a commercial motor vehicle having a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 or more pounds used on the highways in interstate commerce to transport cargo and in that he was employed by a commercial motor carrier and, in the course of his employment, directly affected commercial motor vehicle safety (49 U.S.C. 2301(2)(A)). 3. (a) On or about August 12, 1993, complainant filed a complaint with the Secretary of Labor alleging that respondent
[PAGE 4] had discriminated against him in violation of Section 405 of the Act (49 U.S.C. 2305). This complaint is timely filed. (b) The Secretary, acting through his duly authorized agents, thereafter investigated the above complaint in accordance with Section 405(c)(2)(A), (49 U.S.C. 2305(C)(2)(A)), and has determined that there is reasonable cause to believe that the respondent has violated Section 405(b) of the STAA. 4. On or about March 15, 1993, respondent notified Kenneth D. Miller that he was discharged from employment as of March 15, 1993, principally because he had refused the customer service manager's order to make two additional deliveries on March 15, 1993. At approximately 2:00 a.m., on the morning of March 15th, Mr. Miller picked up his delivery truck at respondent's ice plant for the purpose of starting his delivery route for that day. Attached to his route scheduling was a note directing him to stop at Eagle Truck and Equipment repair to have an oil leak checked on the truck's right rear wheels. After he had completed his deliveries, he stopped at the repair garage as he had been directed. After a mechanic removed the right rear wheels, Mr. Miller saw the brake lining covered with oil, and he observed that parts of the brake lining were broken or missing. ln response to respondent's telephone page, Mr. Miller contacted respondent by telephone at which time he was directed to make two more deliveries. Mr. Miller notified respondent he would not accept the assignment because the brakes on his truck were in need of repair. Mr. Miller refused to operate his vehicle on the afternoon of March 15, 1993, when such operation would have constituted a violation of the U.S. Department of Transportation's Rules and Regulations concerning "Brakes" which provide that the "The brake lining on every motor vehicle shall be so constructed and installed as not to be subject to excessive fading and grabbing and shall be adequate in thickness, means of attachment, and physical characteristics to provide for safe and reliable stopping of the motor vehicle," (49 C.F.R. 393.47). Mr. Miller's refusal to operate his vehicle in contravention of a federal regulation applicable to motor vehicle safety is activity protected by Section 405 of the STAA. Consequently, respondent's discharge of Mr. Miller for his engaging in activity protected under the STAA constitutes a violation of Section 405(b) of the STAA. 5. Mr. Miller obtained new employment commencing on September 6, 1993, and he is not interested in returning to work for respondent. Mr. Miller had a temporary job wherein he
[PAGE 5] earned a gross amount of $170.00. Complainant's backpay is to be calculated at the rate of $650.00 for each two-week pay period, less his interim earnings of $170.00, plus 7 percent interest, from the date of his discharge March 15, 1993, to September 6, 1993. Date 10/20/93 James W. Lake Regional Administrator Occupational Safety & Health Administration Region X U.S. Department of Labor ORDER Pursuant to Section 405(c)(2)(A) of the Act, the Regional Administrator, in accordance with the Findings made herein, orders respondent, Brenner Ice, Inc., to compensate complainant for backpay in an amount based on the terms of Paragraph 5 of the Findings and to expunge from his personnel records any adverse references to his discharge or any protected activity. Date 10/20/93 James W. Lake Regional Administrator Occupational Safety & Health Administration Region X U.S. Department of Labor

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