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Crider v. Pullman-Higgins Co., 84-ERA-3 (ALJ Jan. 18, 1984)

U.S. Department of Labor
Office of Administrative Law Judges
John W. McCormack Post Office and Courthouse
Room 409
Boston, Massachusetts 02109

Case No. 84-ERA-3

In the Matter of:

Clarence W. Crider,


Pullman-Higgins Co.,


    By telegram dated November 23, 1983 the Employer requested a hearing, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. §5851 and 29 C.F.R. §24, to resolve the differences between the parties in the above-captioned claim. That request followed the preliminary determination of the Department of Labor with findings favorable to the Claimant, dated November 17, 1983.

    The matter was referred to this office on November 29, 1983, and received shortly thereafter. On December 14, 1983 a Notice of Hearing was issued, setting a hearing for January 16, 1984 in Manchester, New Hampshire.

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    By letter dated December 30, 1983, the Claimant notified this office that the parties had arrived at a Settlement Agreement, the terms of which are set out in full, below:

    1. Pullman-Higgins agrees to immediately reinstate Clarence W. Crider to his former position as a welder effective December 22, 1983 or upon his presentation to the Pullman-Higgins Time Office.

    2. Clarence W. Crider releases Pullman-Higgins and the Pullman Power Products Co., Inc. and their respective officers, agents and employees from any and all claims which he may have as of this date, including but not limited to the matter of Clarence W. Crider v. Pullman- Higgins Co., Seabrook, New Hampshire, Case No. 84-ERA-3 (U.S. Department of Labor 1983).

    3. It is understood that this agreement does not constitute and should not be construed as an admission by Pullman-Higgins or Pullman Power Products Co., Inc. of any violation of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 or of any other state or federal law, and it is further understood that this agreement may only be used as evidence in any subsequent proceedings in which any of the parties allege breach of this agreement.

    4. It is agreed and understood that neither Clarence W. Crider, Pullman-Higgins or Pullman Power Products Co., Inc. shall disclose the terms of this agreement to any other person, agency or organization except as required by law.

    5. The parties agree that the terms and conditions of this agreement shall constitute the full and complete understanding of the parties, and that the Department of Labor, Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Chief Administrative Law Judge shall be immediately notified that no further proceedings shall be necessary in the matter of Clarence W. Crider v. Pullman-Higgins Co., Seabrook, New Hampshire, Case No. 84-ERA-3.

    The agreement was executed by all parties. I have, therefore, concluded no further action is required by this office in this matter, and hereby DISMISS the complaint. It is so ORDERED.

       Administrative Law Judge

Dated: JAN 18 1984

Boston, Massachusetts


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