Pacific Islands Water Science Center

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Featured Pacific Islands Water Science Center Publications:

Report Title

Report Number



Rainfall, Discharge, and Water-Quality Data During Stormwater Monitoring, July 1, 2007, to June 30, 2008: Halawa Stream Drainage Basin and the H-1 Storm Drain, Oahu, Hawaii OFR 2008-1233 Todd K. Presley, Marcael T.J. Jamison, and Stacie T.M. Young  
Effects of the H-3 Highway Stormwater Runoff on the Water Quality of Halawa Stream, Oahu, Hawaii, November 1998 to August 2004 SIR 2008-5034 Wolff, R.H and Wong, M.F.  
Suspended-Sediment and Nutrient Loads for Waiakea and Alenaio Streams, Hilo, Hawaii, 2003–2006 OFR 2007-1429 Todd K. Presley, Marcael T.J. Jamison, and Dale C. Nishimoto  
Areas Contributing Recharge to Wells in the Tafuna-Leone Plain, Tutuila, American Samoa SIR 2007-5167 Scot K. Izuka, Jeff A. Perreault, and Todd K. Presley
2007-5167 cover
Effects of Agricultural Land-Use Changes and Rainfall on Ground-Water Recharge in Central and West Maui, Hawai‘i, 1926-2004 SIR 2007-5103 Engott, J.A. and Vana, T.T.
2007-5103 cover
Effects of ground-water withdrawal on Kaunakakai Stream environmental restoration plan, Moloka'i, Hawai'i SIR 2007-5128 Oki, D.S.
sir 2007-5128
Rainfall, streamflow, and water-quality data during stormwater monitoring, Halawa Stream Drainage Basin, Oahu, Hawaii, July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007 OFR 2007-1213 Stacie T.M. Young and Marcael T.J. Jamison
Natural and diverted low-flow duration discharges for streams affected by the Waiāhole Ditch System, windward O‘ahu, Hawai‘i SIR 2006-5285 Chiu W. Yeung and Richard A. Fontaine
Report 2005-5153
Water Use in Wetland Kalo Cultivation in Hawai`i OFR 2007-1157 Gingerich, S.B., Yeung, C.W., Ibarra, T.N., Engott, J.A.
ofr 2007-1157
Reconnaissance Study of the Hydrology of American Memorial Park, Island of Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands SIR 2007-5042 Jeff A. Perreault
Report 2007-5024
Ground-Water Nutrient Flux to Coastal Waters and Numerical Simulation of Wastewater Injection at Kihei, Maui, Hawaii SIR 2006-5283 Charles D. Hunt Jr.
Report 2006-5283

Effects of Irrigation, Drought, and Ground-Water Withdrawals on Ground-Water Levels in the Southern Lihue Basin, Kauai, Hawaii

SIR 2006-5291 Scot K. Izuka
Report 2005-5291
Effects of Surface-Water Diversion and Ground-Water Withdrawal on Streamflow and Habitat, Punaluu Stream, Oahu, Hawaii SIR 2006-5153 Delwyn S. Oki, Reuben H. Wolff, and Jeff A. Perreault
Report 2006-5153
Numerical Simulation of the Hydrologic Effects of Redistributed and Additional Ground-Water Withdrawal, Island of Molokai, Hawaii SIR 2006-5177 Delwyn S. Oki
Report 2006-5177
Numerical Simulation of the Effects of Low-Permeability Valley-Fill Barriers and the Redistribution of Ground-Water Withdrawals in the Pearl Harbor Area, Oahu, Hawaii SIR 2005-5253 Delwyn S. Oki
Report 2005-5153
Effects of Surface-Water Diversions on Habitat Availability for Native Macrofauna, Northeast Maui, Hawaii SIR 2005-5213 Stephen B. Gingerich and Reuben H. Wolff
Report 2005-5213
Feasibility of Using Benthic Invertebrates as Indicators of Stream Quality in Hawaii SIR 2005-5079 Reuben H. Wolff
Report 2005-5079
Effects of the 1998 Drought on the Freshwater Lens in the Laura Area, Majuro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands SIR 2005-5098 Todd K. Presley
Report 2005-5200

Selected data and interpretive reports:

Scientific Investigations Reports

Report Number



Effects of ground-water withdrawal on Kaunakakai Stream environmental restoration plan, Moloka'i, Hawai'i SIR 2007-5128 Oki, D.S.
Reconnaissance Study of the Hydrology of American Memorial Park, Island of Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands SIR 2007-5042 Perreault, J.A.
Report 2007-5042
Effects of Irrigation, Drought, and Ground-Water Withdrawals on Ground-Water Levels in the Southern Lihue Basin, Kauai, Hawaii SIR 2006-5291 Izuka, S.K.
Report 2006-5291
Natural and diverted low-flow duration discharges for streams affected by the Waiāhole Ditch System, windward O‘ahu, Hawai‘i SIR 2006-5285 Yeung, C.W., Fontaine, R.A.
Report 2006-5285
Ground-Water Nutrient Flux to Coastal Waters and Numerical Simulation of Wastewater Injection at Kihei, Maui, Hawaii SIR 2006-5283 Hunt, C.D., Jr.
Report 2006-5283
Effects of Surface-Water Diversion and Ground-Water Withdrawal on Streamflow and Habitat, Punaluu Stream, Oahu, Hawaii SIR 2006-5153 Oki, D.S., Wolff R.H., and Perreault, J.A.
Report 2005-5153
Numerical Simulation of the Hydrologic Effects of Redistributed and Additional Ground-Water Withdrawal, Island of Molokai, Hawaii SIR 2006-5177 Oki, D.S.
Report 2006-5177
Numerical simulation of the effects of low-permeability valley-fill barriers and the redistribution of ground-water withdrawals in the Pearl Harbor area, Oahu, Hawaii SIR 2005-5253 Oki, D.S.
Report 2005-5153
Effects of the 1998 Drought on the Freshwater Lens in the Laura Area, Majuro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands SIR 2005-5098 Presley, T.K.
Report 2005-5200
Potential evapotranspiration on Tutuila, American Samoa: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5200 SIR 2005-5200 Izuka, S.K., Giambelluca, T.W., and Nullet, M.A.
Report 2005-5200
Effects of surface-water diversions on habitat availability for native macrofauna, northeast Maui, Hawaii: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5213 SIR 2005-5213 Gingerich, S.B. and Wolff, R.H.
Report 2005-5213
Rainfall-Runoff and Water-Balance Models for Management of the Fena Valley Reservoir, Guam SIR 2004-5287 Yeung, C.W.,
link to SIR 2004-5287 and cover icon
Reconnaissance of the Hydrogeology of Ta'u, American Samoa SIR 2004-5240 Izuka, S.K.
SIR 2004-5240
Median and Low-Flow Characteristics for Streams under Natural and Diverted Conditions, Northeast Maui, Hawaii SIR 2004-5262 Gingerich, S.B.
SIR 2004-5262
Water Quality in the Halawa, Haiku, and Kaneohe Drainage Basins Before, During and After H-3 Highway Construction, Oahu, Hawaii, 1983-1999 SIR 2004-5002 Wong, M.F.
SIR 2004-5002
Trends in Streamflow Characteristics at Long-Term Gaging Stations, Hawaii SIR 2004-5080 Oki, D.S.
SIR 2004-5080

Water Resource Investigations Reports

Report Number



Ground Water Quality and it's Relation to Land Use on Oahu, Hawaii 2000-01 WRIR 03-4305 Hunt, C.D., Jr.

WRIR 03-4305

Hydrologic Resources of Guam WRIR 03-4126 Gingerich, S.B.

WRIR 03-4126

Environmental Setting and the Effects of Natural and Human-Related Factors on Water Quality and Aquatic Biota, Oahu, Hawaii WRIR 03-4156 Oki, D.S., and Brasher, A.M.D., 

WRIR 03-4156

Ground-Water Resources of Saipan WRIR 03-4178 Carruth, R.L.

WRIR 03-4178

Availability and Distribution of Base Flow in Lower Honokohau Stream, Island of Maui, Hawaii WRIR 03-4060 Fontaine, R.A.
WRIR 03-4178
Land Use on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii, 1998 WRIR 02-4301 Klasner, F.L., and Mikami,C.D.

WRIR 02-4301

Streamflow and erosion response to prolonged intense rainfall of November 1-2, 2000, island of Hawaii, Hawaii WRIR 02-4117 Fontaine, R.A., and Hill, B.R.
Geohydrology and Numerical Simulation of Alternative Pumping Distributions and the Effects of Drought on the Ground-Water Flow System of Tinian, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands WRIR 02-4077 Gingerich, S.B.
WRIR 02-4301
Reassessment of ground-water recharge and simulated ground-water availability for the Hawi area of north Kohala, Hawaii WRIR 02-4006 Oki, D.S.
Streamflow and suspended-sediment loads before, during, and after H-3 Highway construction, North Halawa, Haiku, South Fork Kapunahala, and Kamooalii drainage basins, Oahu, Hawaii, 1983-99 WRIR 02-4005 Wong, M.F., and Yeatts, D.S.
Numerical simulation of ground-water withdrawals in the southern Lihue Basin, Kauai, Hawaii WRIR 01-4200 Izuka, S.K., and Oki, D.S.
Sedimentation history of Waimaluhia Reservoir during highway construction, Oahu, Hawaii, 1983-98 WRIR 01-4001 Wong, M.F.
Analytical versus numerical estimates of water-level declines caused by pumping, and a case study of the Iao aquifer, Maui, Hawaii WRIR 00-4244 Oki, D.S., and Meyer, William
The response of the Iao aquifer to ground-water development, rainfall, and land-use practices between 1940 and 1998, island of Maui, Hawaii WRIR 00-4223 Meyer, William, and Presley, T.K.
Site selection for a deep monitor well, Kualapuu, Molokai, Hawaii WRIR 99-4291 Oki, D.S.
Hydrology and water and sediment quality at James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge near Kahuku, island of Oahu, Hawaii WRIR 99-4171 Hunt, C.D., Jr., and De Carlo, E.H.
Storage capacity and water quality of Lake Ngardok, Babeldaob Island, Republic of Palau, 1996-98 WRIR 99-4118 Yeung, C.W., and Wong, M.F.
Ground-water occurrence and contribution to streamflow, northeast Maui, Hawaii WRIR 99-4090 Gingerich, S.B.
Geohydrology and numerical simulation of the ground-water flow system of Kona, island of Hawaii WRIR 99-4073 Oki, D.S.
Ground-water resources in Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park, island of Hawaii, and numerical simulation of the effects of ground-water withdrawals WRIR 99-4070 Oki, D.S., Tribble, G.W., Souza, W.R., and Bolke, E.L.
Estimating transmissivity and storage properties from aquifer tests in the southern Lihue basin, Kauai, Hawaii WRIR 99-4066 Gingerich, S.B.
The geohydrologic setting of Pololu Stream, island of Hawaii, Hawaii WRIR 99-4009 Presley, T.K.
Water budget of East Maui, Hawaii WRIR 98-4159 Shade, P.J.
Ground water and surface water in the Haiku area, East Maui, Hawaii WRIR 98-4142 Gingerich, S.B.
Geology, ground-water occurrence, and estimated well yields from the Mariana Limestone, Kagman area, Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands WRIR 98-4077 Hoffmann, J.P., Carruth, R.L., and Meyer, William
Ground water in the southern Lihue Basin, Kauai, Hawaii WRIR 98-4031 Izuka, S.K., and Gingerich, S.B.
Geohydrology of the central Oahu, Hawaii, ground-water flow system and numerical simulation of additional pumping WRIR 97-4276 Oki, D.S.
Water budget for the Iao area, island of Maui, Hawaii WRIR 97-4244 Shade, P.J.
Evaluation of the U.S. Geological Survey ground-water data-collection program in Hawaii WRIR 97-4232 Anthony, S.S.
Ground-water geochemistry of Kwajalein Island, Republic of the Marshall Islands, 1991 WRIR 97-4184 Tribble, G.W.
Geohydrology and numerical simulation of the ground-water flow system of Molokai, Hawaii WRIR 97-4176 Oki, D.S.
Water budget for the island of Molokai, Hawaii WRIR 97-4155 Shade, P.J.
Bibliography of Regional Aquifer-System Analysis Program of the U.S. Geological Survey, 1978-96   WRIR 97-4074 Sun, R.J., Weeks, J.B., Grubb, H.F.
Streamflow and suspended-sediment loads before and after highway construction, North Halawa, Haiku, and Kamooalii drainage basins, Oahu, Hawaii WRIR 96-4259 Hill, B.R.
Water budget for the Lahaina District, island of Maui, Hawaii WRIR 96-4238 Shade, P.J.
Evaluation of the surface-water quantity, surface-water quality, and rainfall data-collection programs in Hawaii WRIR 95-4212 Fontaine, R.A.
Numerical simulation of regional changes in ground-water levels and in the freshwater-saltwater interface induced by increased pumpage at Barbers Point shaft, Oahu, Hawaii WRIR 95-4206 Souza, W.R., and Meyer, William
Geology, streamflow, and water chemistry of the Talufofo Stream Basin, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands WRIR 95-4183 Izuka, S.K., and Ewart, C.J. III
Evaluation of ground-water resources from available data, 1992, East Molokai Volcano, Hawaii WRIR 95-4180 Anthony, S.S.
Water budget for the island of Kauai, Hawaii WRIR 95-4128 Shade, P.J.
Water budget for the Kohala area, Hawaii WRIR 95-4114 Shade, P.J.
Ground-water availability from the Hawi aquifer in the Kohala area, Hawaii WRIR 95-4113 Underwood, M.R., Meyer, William, and Souza, W.R.
Estimation of magnitude and frequency of floods for streams on the island of Oahu, Hawaii WRIR 94-4052 Wong, M.F.
Estimated water use in 1990, island of Kauai, Hawaii WRIR 93-4180 Shade, P.J.
Geohydrology and possible transport routes of polychlorinated biphenyls in Haiku Valley, Oahu, Hawaii WRIR 92-4168 Izuka, S.K., Hill, B.R., Shade, P.J., and Tribble, G.W.
Estimation of median streamflows at perennial stream sites in Hawaii WRIR 92-4099 Fontaine, R.A., Wong, M.F., and Matsuoka, Iwao
Geology and stream infiltration of North Halawa Valley, Oahu, Hawaii WRIR 91-4197 Izuka, S.K.
Hydrology of the leeward aquifers, southeast Oahu, Hawaii WRIR 85-4270 Eyre, Paul, Ewart, C.J. III, and Shade, P.J.

Open File Reports

Report Number



Rainfall, streamflow, and water-quality data during stormwater monitoring, Halawa Stream Drainage Basin, Oahu, Hawaii, July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007 OFR 07-1213 Young, S.T.M., and Ball, M.T.J.
Water Use in Wetland Kalo Cultivation in Hawai`i OFR 07-1157 Gingerich, S.B., Yeung, C.W., Ibarra, T.N., Engott, J.A.
Rainfall, Streamflow, and Water-Quality Data During Stormwater Monitoring, Halawa Stream Drainage Basin, Oahu, Hawaii, July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2006 OFR 06-1223 Presley, Todd K., Jamison, Marcael T.J. and Young-Smith, Stacie T.M.
Rainfall, Streamflow, and Water-Quality Data During Stormwater Monitoring, Halawa Stream Drainage Basin, Oahu, Hawaii, July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005 OFR 05-1280 Young, S.T.M., and Ball, M.T.J.
OFR 2005-1280 Cover Thumbnail
Construction, Geology, and Aquifer Testing of the Maalo Road, Aahoaka Hill, and Upper Eleele Tank Monitor Wells, Kauai, Hawaii OFR 05-1159 Izuka, S.K.
Link to online abstract
Construction, Geologic, and Hydrologic Data from Five Exploratory Wells on Rota, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, 1999 OFR 05-1042 Carruth, R.L.
Link to online abstract
Rainfall, Streamflow, and Water-Quality Data During Stormwater Monitoring, Halawa Stream Drainage Basin, Oahu, Hawaii, July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004 OFR 04-1275 Young, S.T.M., and Ball, M.T.J.

Open-File Report 2004-1275

Rainfall, streamflow, and water-quality data during stormwater monitoring, Halawa Stream drainage basin, Oahu, Hawaii, July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2003 OFR 03-331 Young, S.T.M., and Ball, M.T.J.
Open-File Report 2003-331
Rainfall, streamflow, and water-quality data during stormwater monitoring, Halawa Stream drainage basin, Oahu, Hawaii, July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2002 OFR 02-319 Presley, T.K.


Drilling, construction, water-level and water-quality information for the Kualapuu deep monitor well 4-0800-01, Molokai, Hawaii OFR 01-350 Oki, D.S., and Bauer, G.R.
Rainfall, streamflow, and water-quality data during stormwater monitoring, Halawa Stream drainage basin, Oahu, Hawaii, July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2001 OFR 01-256 Presley, T.K.
Statistical summary of hydrologic and water-quality data from the Halawa, Haiku, and Kaneohe drainage basins before, during, and after H-3 highway construction, Oahu, Hawaii OFR 01-64 Wong, M.F., and Young, S.T.M.
Summary of ground-water data for Tutuila and Aunuu, American Samoa, for October 1987 through September 1997 OFR 99-252 Izuka, S.K.
Numerical analysis of ground-water flow and salinity in the Ewa area, Oahu, Hawaii OFR 96-442 Oki, D.S., Souza, W.R., Bolke, E.L., and Bauer, G.R.
Ground water in Kilauea Volcano and adjacent areas of Mauna Loa Volcano, island of Hawaii OFR 93-82 Takasaki, K.J.

Data Reports

Report Number



Water Resources Data Hawaii and Other Pacific Islands Water Year 2005 HI-05-1 Fontaine, R.A.
Water Resources Data Hawaii and Other Pacific Islands Water Year 2004 HI-04-1 Shimizu, B.H., Nishimoto, D.C., Taogoshi, R.I., Teeters, P.C.


Water Resources Data Hawaii and Other Pacific Islands Water Year 2003


HI-03-1 Teeters, P.C., Taogoshi, R.I., Nishimoto, D.C., Shimizu, B.H.
Water Resources Data Hawaii and Other Pacific Islands Water Year 2002 HI-02-1 Wong, M.F., Nishimoto, D.C., Teeters, P.C., Taogoshi, R.I.
Water resources data--Hawaii and other Pacific areas, water year 2001. Volume 1. Hawaii
Water-Data Report HI-01-1 Taogoshi, R.I., Wong, M.F., Nishimoto, D.C., and Teeters, P.C.
Water resources data, Hawaii and other Pacific areas, water year 1999, volume 1. Hawaii Water-Data Report HI-99-1 Hill, B.R., Fontaine, R.A., Taogoshi, R.I., and Teeters, P.C.

Fact Sheets

Report Number



Trends in Streamflow Characteristics in Hawaii, 1913-2002 Fact Sheet 2004-3104 Oki, D.S.
FS 2004-3104
Flooding Associated with Typhoon Chata'an, July 5, 2002, Guam Fact Sheet 061-03 Fontaine, R.A.

Fact Sheet 061-03

Surface Water in Hawaii Fact Sheet 045-03 Oki, D.S.

Fact Sheet 045-03

Occurrence of organochlorine pesticides in stream bed sediment and fish from selected streams on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, 1998 Fact Sheet 140-00 Brasher, A.M. and Anthony., S.S.
Ground Water in Hawaii Fact Sheet 126-00 Gingerich, S.B and Oki, D.S.
National Water-Quality Assessment Program, island of Oahu, Hawaii Fact Sheet 006-98 Anthony, S.S.

Water Supply Papers

Report Number



Evaluation of major dike-impounded ground-water reservoirs, island of Oahu, with a section on Flow hydraulics in dike tunnels in Hawaii Water-Supply Paper 2217 Takasaki, K.J., and Mink, J.F.

Professional Papers

Report Number



Water budget and the effects of land-use changes on ground-water recharge, Oahu, Hawaii Professional Paper 1412-C Shade, P.J., and Nichols, W.D.
Geohydrology of the island of Oahu, Hawaii Professional Paper 1412-B Hunt, C.D. Jr.
Summary of the Oahu, Hawaii, Regional Aquifer System Analysis Professional Paper 1412-A Nichols, W.D., Shade, P.J., and Hunt, C.D. Jr.


Report Number



Water Quality on the Island of Oahu Circular 1239 Anthony, S.S., Hunt, C.D., Jr., Brasher, A.M.D., Miller, L.D., and Tomlinson, M.S.

Circular 1239

Hydrologic Atlas

Report Number



Ground Water Atlas of the United States HA 730-N Oki, D.S.  Gingerich, S.B., Whitehead, R.L.

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