United States Institute of Peace http://www.usip.org The United States Institute of Peace is an independent nonpartisan national institution established and funded by Congress. Our mission is to help prevent, manage, and resolve international conflicts by empowering others with knowledge, skills, and resources, as well as by our direct involvement in peacebuilding efforts around the world. Tue, 2 Sept 2008 16:19:00 EDT en-us Event: Antiquities in Iraq: Cultural Heritage and Iraq's Future http://www.usip.org/events/2008/0908_iraq_heritage.html http://www.usip.org/events/2008/0908_iraq_heritage.html Sept 8 - Ever since the U.S. invasion in March 2003, Iraq's cultural heritage—stretching back to ancient Mesopotamia and the golden age of Islam—has been at risk. A distinguished panel will address these issues and take your questions. Tue, 2 Sept 2008 16:19:00 EDT Event: Policy Forum on Children in Armed Conflict http://www.usip.org/events/2008/0917_child_soldiers.html http://www.usip.org/events/2008/0917_child_soldiers.html Sept 17 - The prolific use of children as soldiers and in other roles in violent combat is a serious global problem. This forum will be an opportunity for participants to improve their understanding of the impact of violent conflict on children. Tue, 2 Sept 2008 16:07:00 EDT Securing the Future: A Primer on Security Sector Reform in Conflict Countries http://www.usip.org/pubs/specialreports/sr209.html http://www.usip.org/pubs/specialreports/sr208.html Security sector reform (SSR) is essential in the transition from war to peace in conflict zones and is a topic of urgent importance. This report discusses definitions of SSR, the field's emergence, and challenges in current SSR implementation, among other topics. Fri, 29 Aug 2008 13:06:00 EDT Haiti: Confronting the Gangs of Port-au-Prince http://www.usip.org/pubs/specialreports/sr208.html http://www.usip.org/pubs/specialreports/sr208.html The UN mission in Haiti's successful campaign against the country's gangs set a precedent for future missions. Based on field research, authors Michael Dziedzic and Robert Perito explore the conduct of military and police operations, Haitians' overwhelmingly positive views of the UN intervention and lessons learned. Fri, 29 Aug 2008 13:06:00 EDT Depoliticizing Zimbabwe’s Economy: Solutions for Two Million Percent http://www.usip.org/pubs/usipeace_briefings/2008/0827_zimbabwe.html http://www.usip.org/pubs/usipeace_briefings/2008/0827_zimbabwe.html Zimbabwe is saddled with two million percent annual price increases, rampant corruption and pervasive unemployment. Experts believe that an effort to reform the country's political corruption and irresponsible monetary policies will be central to establishing social and economic stability in the long run. Wed, 27 Aug 2008 12:19:00 EDT Moving Beyond Relief: The Challenges of Settling Kenya's Internally Displaced http://www.usip.org/pubs/usipeace_briefings/2008/0815_kenya.html http://www.usip.org/pubs/usipeace_briefings/2008/0815_kenya.html This briefing by Sheila Mwiandi explores various dimensions of Kenya's post-election IDP problems, including elections-related issues prior to 2008, challenges to relocating IDPs and strategies for improving the situation. Fri, 15 Aug 2008 17:03:00 EDT USIP's Metrics Framework http://www.usip.org/peaceops/metrics_framework.html http://www.usip.org/peaceops/metrics_framework.html An Institute-developed methodology for measuring the transformation from war to peace is now being used by the Foreign Service Institute and the Army War College. Thu, 10 Jul 2008 11:09:00 EDT Liberia: Promoting Rule of Law http://www.usip.org/in_the_field/liberia/index.html http://www.usip.org/in_the_field/liberia/index.html To assist Liberia's recovery after a 14 year civil war, USIP has led an unique program based on both formal institutions and local practices of justice. Thu, 10 Jul 2008 11:09:00 EDT Truth Commissions Digital Collection http://www.usip.org/library/truth.html http://www.usip.org/library/truth.html This digital collection contains decrees and background materials for truth commissions and related entities for 24 countries. USIP created the commission, part of its digital library in international conflict management, to support the Institute's efforts to promote the rule of law. Thu, 10 Jul 2008 11:09:00 EDT National Prizes Awarded in Peace Essay Contest http://www.usip.org/newsmedia/releases/2008/0627_npec.html http://www.usip.org/newsmedia/releases/2008/0627_npec.html Three high school students—one each from Tennessee, Arkansas and Virginia—have won scholarships of $10,000, $5,000 and $2,500 respectively as national, first and second place prizes in the National Peace Essay Contest (NPEC) conducted each year by the United States Institute of Peace (USIP). Fri, 27 Jun 2008 17:12:00 EDT Integrated Security Assistance: The 1207 Program http://www.usip.org/pubs/specialreports/sr207.html http://www.usip.org/pubs/specialreports/sr207.html This Special Report report details USIP's assessment of the "1207 Program," an example of the U.S. military's growing involvement in integrated "whole-of-government" approaches to U.S. security assistance programs. Fri, 27 Jun 2008 11:17:00 EDT