High pT PWG

Welcome to the RHIC-II High pT Working Group

We welcome your input and hard work!

Physics Questions

At the first RHIC-II Workshop, seven questions emerged. Click here to view a list of these questions, sub-questions, and the measurements needed to address them.

High pT Topics

To answer the main physics questions, different high pT topics will be investigated. The feasibility of each proposed measurement as well as its value in understanding the physics will be discussed and evaluated. Click here to view a list of topics and links to relevant presentations and/or references.

RHIC-II Meetings

For a list of meetings and links to presentations, click here.

Email Archives

Click here.

Other Relevant Presentations

  • BNL presentations to NSAC Meeting, April 3-5, 2005.

    The high-pT Summary Write-up.


  • Kirill Filimonov, KVFilimonov@lbl.gov
  • Saskia Mioduszewski, saskia@bnl.gov
  • Denes Molnar, molnard@mps.ohio-state.edu