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Knox County Tennessee

KnoxAchieves Tuition Assistance Program Launched America's Most Famous Nerdfighter Comes to Knoxville

Acclaimed young adult author, John Green, will discuss his newest book, and other pursuits

At a time when reading among teens is in decline, one particular author has made nerdom hip for "Millenials" and Gen Y-ers. Acclaimed author John Green and his brother Hank are headed to Knox County Public Library. They will appear at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 6 at the East Tennessee History Center, 601 S. Gay Street. The event, sponsored by the Friends of the Library, is free and open to the public...

KnoxAchieves Tuition Assistance Program Launched

With college tuition on the rise and local industry clamoring for an enhanced workforce, a new program called KnoxAchieves that is designed to meet those challenges was launched this morning at Fulton High School. KnoxAchieves is a privately-funded, college-tuition-assistance program for 2009 graduates of Knox County’s public high schools....

KUB offers free community workshops on managing utility bills

In anticipation of significant rate increases this winter, KUB is offering a series of four workshops to help customers manage their utility bills. The hour-long workshops are scheduled through November 5th at four locations....

Ribbon Cut on South Knoxville Senior Center Walking Trail and Pavilion

Ribbon Cut on South Knoxville Senior Center TrailKnoxville Senior Center visitors have done it again!  They wanted a walking trail, and they got it.  Knox County Mayor and 9th District Commissioners Paul Pinkston and Mike Brown cut the ribbon on the walking trail and pavilion, fully equipped with picnic tables last week.  Covenant Health was on hand to present walkers with healthy walking techniques as the Mayor, Commissioners and seniors took an inaugural walk of the track....

Rocky Hill Students Get First Hand Exposure to Local Government

More than 90 fifth-graders from Rocky Hill Elementary School learned first hand about local government this week during a visit to the City County Building.  The students came prepared with a long list of questions after studying how Knox County government works....

A Rare Screening of The Electric Valley Complements The Big Read

As the community explores The Grapes of Wrath for The Big Read, themes of the government's role in the plight of struggling and impoverished people emerge. What was our government's response in this devastating era and was it the right one? The New Deal is often credited with helping restore our economy....

Knox County Green TeamFollowing several months of planning, Knox County's "go green" planning committee formally launched the Knox County Green Team at the County's Health and Benefits Fair last week.  The mission of the Team is to encourage County employees to "make personal lifestyle changes positively affecting our shared environment through county-wide green initiatives." ...

PTA "Start the Art Week" launches Reflections Program

PTA "Start the Art Week" launches Reflections ProgramAt Mooreland Heights Elementary School, you can walk into any academic classroom and see some form of the arts being incorporated.  You can also go into any of their varied arts classes and see those teachers incorporating academics...

Hola Festival Celebrates Cultural Diversity

Some 10,000 East Tennesseans celebrated at the Hola Festival on Saturday. The day-long event provided a celebration of diversity of cultures in the East Tennessee community....

County's Bond Rating Upgraded by Standard & Poor's

County's Bond Rating Upgraded by Standard & Poor'sCounty Mayor Mike Ragsdale and Chief Financial Officer John Troyer were advised today that the bond rating agency Standard and Poor's will issue a AA+ rating for Knox County....

KCHD Kicks Off 2008 FluMist Campaign

Flu mistThe Knox County Health Department (KCHD) kicked off their 2008 School FluMist Vaccination Program with Knox County Mayor Mike Ragsdale; Lori Patterson, Director of Infectious Disease at East Tennessee Health Department; and Martha Buchanan, KCHD Public Health Officer this week at the Pride and Joy Children’s Academy....

Read With Me Program needs 500 volunteers

Bill and Wanda Williams are heading up this year's volunteer recruitment effort to put readers in all Knox County 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade classes....

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