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National Institutes of Health Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
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Hall, Judith

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Judith G. Hall, M.D., is a pediatrician, endocrinologist, and clinical geneticist. She received her M.D. from the University of Washington and an MS in genetics. She did her pediatric residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital, a fellowship in medical genetics with Dr. Victor McKusick, and pediatric endocrinology with Dr. Robert Blizzard. In 1972, she joined the Department of Pediatrics and Medicine, University of Washington. From 1990-2000, she was Professor and Head of the Department of Pediatrics at the University of British Columbia. Her research interests are in the areas of human congenital anomalies including neural tube defects, the genetics of short stature, mechanisms of disease such as mosaicism and imprinting, the natural history of genetic disorders, the genetics of connective tissue disorders such as arthrogryposis and dwarfism, and in monozygotic twins. She has published over 260 original articles, 120 chapters and sections of conference proceedings, and 5 books. She has served on the editorial boards of many journals. Her term on the National Advisory Child Health and Human Development (NACHHD) Council expires 11/30/2008. Her areas of expertise include clinical genetics, human genetics, congenital anomalies, pediatrics, embryology/fetal growth and development, teratology, arthrogryposis, twins/dwarf studies, birth defects, neural tube defects, and syndromes.