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September 23, 2008         DOL Home > OALJ Home > USDOL/OALJ Reporter


CCASE: MAP MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION DDATE: 19910313 TTEXT: ~1 [1] WAGE APPEALS BOARD UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WASHINGTON, D. C. In the Matter of: MAP MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION WAB Case No. 90-33 COMPANY, INC. and NIGEL PARKINSON, President BEFORE: Charles E. Shearer, Jr., Chairman Ruth E. Peters, Member Patrick J. O'Brien, Member DATED: March 13, 1991 DECISION OF THE WAGE APPEALS BOARD This case is before the Wage Appeals Board on the petition of Map Maintenance and Construction Company, Inc. and Nigel Parkinson, president (collectively, "Petitioners" or "Map"). Petitioners seek review of the July 6, 1990 decision and order (Attachment) of Administrative Law Judge ("ALJ") Julius A. Johnson, recommending debarment of Map and Parkinson for disregarding their obligations to employees under the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. [sec] 276a et seq.). [1] ~2 [2] This matter involved Map's performance on three separate contracts with the Navy, Army and Air Force. After a hearing, the ALJ recommended that Map and Parkinson be debarred for three years pursuant to Section 3(a) of the Davis-Bacon Act (ALJ's decision and order ("ALJD") at 12-13). The ALJ concluded that misclassification and underpayment of Map's employees had been established through uncontroverted evidence and testimony, and that the petitioners had also falsified the certified payrolls (Id. at 12). The ALJ further concluded that Map's violations of the Davis-Bacon Act were "willful, consistent and substantial," and were not de minimis (Id.). The ALJ also observed that the factors listed in 29 C.F.R. 5.12(c) regarding mitigation of the length of the debarment period apply only to debarment for violations of the Davis-Bacon Related Acts and not, as here, to debarment under the Davis-Bacon Act itself (Id.). With respect to debarment of Parkinson, the ALJ rejected the argument that Parkinson should not be debarred because a bookkeeper had completed the payroll records (ALJD at 11-12). The ALJ observed that Board precedent does not permit a contractor to avoid debarment by claiming that a clerical employee erred (Id. at 11). Furthermore, the ALJ stated, Parkinson controlled the company's employment practices, and the company bookkeeper was at all times subject to Parkinson's instructions (Id. at 11-12). On review of the record, the Board concludes that the ALJ's decision and order is supported by reliable and probative evidence (29 C.F.R. 6.33(b)(1)), and is consistent with applicable legal principles. Accordingly, the decision and order of the ALJ is affirmed. The petition for review is denied. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD: [MEMBERS] EXECUTIVE SECRETARY] [2]

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