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B & B CONTRACTORS, INC., WAB No. 89-04 (WAB Apr. 29, 1991)

CCASE: B & B CONTRACTORS, INC. DDATE: 19910429 TTEXT: ~1 [1] WAGE APPEALS BOARD UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WASHINGTON, D. C. In the Matter of: B & B CONTRACTORS, INC. Bureau of Land Management WAB Case No. 89-04 Contract YA-552-CT2-23 Riparian Fencing, Rich County, Utah BEFORE: Charles E. Shearer, Jr., Chairman Ruth E. Peters, Member Patrick J. O'Brien, Member DATED: April 29, 1991 DECISION OF THE WAGE APPEALS BOARD This matter is before the Wage Appeals Board on the petition of B & B Contractors ("B & B") seeking review of the Decision and Order (Attachment) of Administrative Law Judge ("ALJ") James J. Butler dated August 1, 1988 wherein B & B was ordered to pay seven employees back wages of $2,193.91 ($1,838.73 under the Davis-Bacon Act, 40 U.S.C. [sec] 276a et seq. and $355.18 under the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, 40 U.S.C. [sec] 327 et seq.). The ALJ found that the B & B violated the Davis-Bacon Act by failing to keep accurate and adequate records in two respects: B & B did not properly record the correct number of hours worked by certain employees; and certain other employees were not recorded at all. B & B also failed to pay its employees the requisite predetermined wage as required by the contract. For the reasons stated below, the petition for review is denied and the ALJ's decision is affirmed. [1] ~2 [2] I. BACKGROUND B & B contracted with the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Land Management ("BLM") to construct riparian fences in Rich County, Utah and to pay laborers and equipment operators basic hourly rates, including fringe benefits, of at least $11.06 and $11.21, respectively, under the wage decision incorporated into the contract. Work began on August 7, 1981 and was completed on July 22, 1983. James Barrett, President of B & B, recorded hours worked by employees on the back of snuff cans which were discarded after the payroll records were turned in to the contracting agency. The information contained in the payroll was incorrect in that one employee was actually paid only $5.00 per hour rather than the $11.00 specified on the payroll record, and the hours were incorrectly reported to match the sums received. Barrett also deducted $132.00 per week from certain employees wages for room and board. The "room" was a wall tent set up in a remote location near the job site. The compliance officer testified that the employees who responded to her requests for information all indicated that they had not been paid for all hours worked. No employees testified at the hearing and none could be located. The ALJ found, in awarding back wages, "that the compliance officer thoroughly weighed the facts presented to her and made logical choices, giving respondent as much of the benefit of the doubt as possible, in determining the back wages due." II. DISCUSSION Where an employer has falsified or kept inadequate payroll records, the employees cannot be penalized on the ground that the precise extent of their uncompensated work cannot be proven. Instead, the employees are to be awarded compensation on the most accurate basis possible under the circumstances. The employee (or the Secretary on the employee's behalf) need only raise a "just and reasonable inference" as to the uncompensated work performed, and the burden then shifts to the employer to rebut the inference. Apollo Mechanical, Inc., WAB Case No. 90-42 (March 13, 1991) (Slip Op. at 2-4). Here the ALJ found, based on his assessment of the credibility of the witnesses, that the Department of Labor had raised a reasonable inference which [2] ~3 [3] the petitioner failed to rebut. Based on the record before it, the Board has no reason to disturb ALJ Butler's findings. In summary, the Board affirms ALJ Butler's decision in its entirety. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD: Charles E. Shearer, Jr., Chairman Ruth E. Peters, Member Patrick J. O'Brien, Member _________________________________ Gerald F. Krizan, Esq. Executive Secretary [3]

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