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September 23, 2008         DOL Home > OALJ Home > USDOL/OALJ Reporter

PERMIS CONSTRUCTION CORP., WAB Case Nos. 87-55 and 87-56 (WAB May 28, 1991)

[1] WAGE APPEALS BOARD UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WASHINGTON, D. C. In the Matter of: PERMIS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION, Prime Contractor and WAB Case No. 87-55 TRATAROS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION, Prime Contractor & TRATAROS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION, Prime Contractor WAB Case No. 87-56 H.P. CONNOR & CO., INC. Subcontractor ABARB HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING, Lower-Tier Subcontractor BEFORE: Charles E. Shearer, Jr., Chairman Ruth E. Peters, Member Patrick J. O'Brien, Member DATED: May 28, 1991 DECISION OF THE WAGE APPEALS BOARD This matter is before the Wage Appeals Board upon the submission of correspondence from Herman P. Connor, President of H. P. Connor, Inc. (collectively, "Connor"). The Board treats these communications as motions for reconsideration of the February 26, 1991 Decisions of the Wage Appeals Board [1][2] in the captioned matters of Case Nos. 87-55 and 87-56. In Case No. 87-55, the Board affirmed an Administrative Law Judge's entry of a default decision and back wage order against the prime contractor. In Case No. 87-56, another Administrative Law Judge's decision was affirmed to the extent of the finding that back wages were owed employees and remanded for reconsideration of the back wages owed to non-testifying employees and the amount of back wages owed an individual employee. To the extent that Connor seeks reconsideration of the Board's decision in Case No. 87-55, the request is not proper, given that Connor was not a party in the administrative proceeding. With respect to Case No. 87-56, the motion essentially repeats allegations made before the Administrative Law Judge and in papers filed before the Board on appeal from that decision. The major addition to the previous filings and pleadings is Connor's request to have the matter decided "with a jury hearing," a remedy which the Board is without authority to grant. In summary, there is no reason to reconsider the Board's decision in this matter. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD: Charles E. Shearer, Jr., Chairman Ruth E. Peters, Member Patrick J. O'Brien, Member _____________________________ Gerald F. Krizan, Esq. Executive Secretary [2]

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