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September 23, 2008         DOL Home > OALJ Home > USDOL/OALJ Reporter

Construction General, Inc., WAB No. 76-11 (WAB Jan. 27, 1977)

CCASE: 2900 VAN NESS STREET DDATE: 19770131 TTEXT: ~1 [1] WAGE APPEALS BOARD UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WASHINGTON, D.C. In the Matter of 2900 VAN NESS STREET WAB Case No. 76-11 Wage Determination DC76-3000 Applicable to FHA Projects Dated: 000-44207 LDP/SUP/R - 14th Street January 31, 1977 Package I and 000-35111-PM- 2900 Van Ness Street, N.W., Washington, DC ERRATUM - Decision of the Board Page/Location Correction Page 5 - Third line from end Change "not" to "now" of decision Craig Bulger, Acting Executive Secretary Wage Appeals Board [1]

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