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Associated General Contractors of Delaware, Inc., WAB No. 73-12 (WAB Au. 6, 1974)

CCASE: GREATER WILMINGTON AIRPORT TAXIWAYS DDATE: 19740806 TTEXT: ~1 [1] UNITED STATES OF AMERICA UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WAGE APPEALS BOARD WASHINGTON, D. C. IN THE MATTER OF Prevailing Wage Rates Applicable WAGE APPEALS BOARD to Overlaying and Constructing Certain Taxiways at the Greater Case No. 73-12 Wilmington Airport, Wilmington, Delaware, under Contract No. Dated: August 6, 1974 ADAP-8-10-0006-05 and Wage Decision No. AQ-2002, as Modified. George & Lynch , Inc. Associated General Contractors of Delaware, Inc. Delaware Contractors Association PETITIONERS APPEARANCES: For Petitioners, For George & Lynch, Inc., Robert S. Appleby Sydney R. Chirlin, Esq. H. James Conaway, Jr., Esq. Attorneys for Petitioners For Department of Public Works New Castle County, Delaware George M. Feist, Esq. [1] ~2 [2] For Federal Aviation Administration Daniel Cassidy, Esquire For Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO Thomas X. Dunn, Esquire For International Union of Operating Engineers, Local No. 542 Homer G. Dawson, Esquire For International Union of Operating Engineers, AFL-CIO G. E. McCoy, Esquire For Assistant Administrator, ESA Wage and Hour Division United States Department of Labor George E. Rivers, Esquire BEFORE: Oscar S. Smith, Chairman, Wage Appeals Board, and Clarence D. Barker and Stuart Rothman, Members DECISION AND ORDER This is a proceeding under Order No. 32-63, as amended, of the Secretary of Labor (29 F.R. 188, 761). The Petitioners, George and Lynch, Inc., Associated General Contractors of Delaware, Inc~, and Delaware Contractors' Association, filed a Petition for Review on November 5, 1973, on the ground that [2] ~3 [3] the United States Department of Labor in specifying that wage predetermination, Wage Decision No. AQ-2002, of July 1973, as modified, would apply to the contract work, erroneously concluded "In bidding this contract, HEAVY CONSTRUCTION WAGE RATES . . . will apply." The work in question according to Petitioners is for overlaying Taxiways "A", "B", "C", and "E" and the Construction of Taxiways O and S at the Greater Wilmington Airport, Wilmington~ Delaware. /FN1/ The rates to be paid for the work under this contract have led a peripatetic existence. On September 10, 1973 the New Castle County Department of Public Works wrote to Local No. 542 International Union of Operating Engineers, AFL-CIO that the contract covered by this Petition and all future similar work at the Wilmington Greater Airport would be done at heavy construction rates and not highway construction rates. /FN2/ In earlier years, 1968, 1969, 1970 and 1971, overlay [3] ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ /FN1/ Petitioner's Exhibit A, which is the specification cover sheet for the contract work mentions construction of Taxiways "O" and "S". The specification itself is not included. /FN2/ The IUOE exhibits the greatest, and possibly the sole, craft interest in this case. The Wage Decision upon which this Petition is based (AQ 2002) contains various wage rates identified [FN2 CONTINUED ON PAGE 3] as Building, as Heavy and as Highway. The use of highway rates would result in lower rates only for the Operating Engineers Craft not for the other crafts. In May 1974 by negotiated agreement between area contractors - including two of the petitioners in this case - and the local engineers union highway rates and heavy rates for the engineers craft became identical. The agreement was reflected on May 24th in a new Wage Decision (AQ-2122) which superseded AQ-2029 which in turn had superseded AQ-2002. [4][END FN 2] ~4 [4] work an existing runways and construction of terminal aprons at this airport had been performed on prevailing highway rates. The New Castle County Department of Public Works, apparently reversing itself now takes the position that the work under this contract should properly be classified as highway and not heavy work. Mr. George Feist appeared personally at the hearing and filed the following written statement: I am here today representing New Castle County Department of Public Works, and have been authorized to state its position. The position of New Castle County Department of Public Works is that highway rates apply to this contract. In the meantime, the United States Department of Labor, Division of Wage Determinations by letter dated December 7, 1973 authoritatively advised the Federal Aviation Agency, that the contract work in question should be classified and done at the highway rates. Without the record showing whether the letter written [4] ~5 [5] by the Division of Wage Determinations was expressly overruled, the Assistant Administrator of the Employment Standards Administration by letter dated May 7, 1974 wrote the Federal Aviation Agency, in part, as follows: We have reviewed the wage rates generally applicable to airport construction in Delaware and do not find sufficient information available on which to reverse the position of the local agency, the New Castle County Public Works Department, that the heavy construction Wage rates contained in our general wage determination, AQ-2029, are applicable to the proposed project. Only the FAA did not reverse its position, but this may be that, discreetly, it avoided stating one. With a surge of local interest, Petitioners have renewed their request that this Board decide the question whether the contract for overlaying taxiways and constructing two new taxiways to be let at the Greater Wilmington Airport should carry the Davis-Bacon heavy construction schedule or the Davis-Bacon highway construction schedule. At the same time they made equally clear that they are not protesting the fact that the Labor Department had found the two wage schedules to be identical in hourly rates and basic fringes for all [5] ~6 [6] classifications. The Board was told at the oral hearing by Petitioners and the New Castle authorities, that so far as the award of this job is concerned the advertised wage rates whether called highway or heavy would be the same. /FN3/ Many real problems come before the Board which the Board seeks to dispose of realistically. This case was argued to the Board on everybody's supposition that all wage rates in the current ESA highway and in the heavy schedules were identical within the purview of the Labor Department's wage predetermination functions. The Board asked this question of the parties and was told that this was so although the petitioner thought there might be some other differences, but not in the wage rates. The case was submitted for consideration on that basis. Yet, on the same date as the hearing, July 12, 1974, the ESA issued a Federal Register modification increasing the heavy rate for carpenters [6] ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ /FN3/ The Board does not have before it in this Petition any question concerning the Labor Department's action in adopting and issuing an adjusted highway schedule after May l, 1974. (AQ-2122)[6] ~7 [7] from $9 to $9.60. No one told the Board about this, undoubtedly because no one at the hearing knew about it. The New Castle County authorities issued a modification to the bidding documents on July 15, 1974, reflecting the ESA's 60 cents an hour increase in the carpenter's heavy rate. The Board perceives in this matter at least a four way squabble between ESA, New Castle County authorities, FAA, and local labor organizations with much cutting and filling between the time the petition was first filed and the renewed interest in a Board hearing. In that posture the case reached the Board without anyone making clear what it was the Board should decide or why it should decide it. With a magpie's nest of loose ends in the case as submitted, the Board was and is disinclined to issue a broad determination when no reasonable explanation had been given why a determination was necessary or even desirable. The result under the submitted case would have been the same regardless of the choice whether the work in question was to be classified heavy or highway. [7] ~8 [8] However, the submitted case, and the case as briefed by the petitioner in an able post hearing statement, is not the same. Petitioner brought to light the sixty cent differences in the carpenters' rates and structured a substantial part of their argument that the highway vs. heavy issue be now determined, representing that carpenters would be used upon the contract work. The question is what is the appropriate rate of pay for certain classifications of labor and mechanics under the Davis-Bacon Act. In a recent WAB Decision, Gananda Construction Corporation, WAB 73-13, the Board noted for administering agencies and the Department of Labor that Reorganization Plan 14 of 1950 /FN4/ is not moribund or defunct. [8] ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ /FN4/ Reorganization Plan No. 14 of 1950 (15 F.R. 3176, 64 Stat. 1267, 5 U.S.C. 133z note): In order to assure coordination of administration and consistency of enforcement of the labor standards provision of each of the [foregoing and other enumerated] Acts by the Federal agencies responsible for the administration thereof, the Secretary of Labor shall prescribe appropriate standards, regulations, and procedures, which shall be observed by these agencies, and cause to be made by the Department of Labor such investigations, with respect to compliance with and enforcement of such labor standards, as he deems desirable, . . . . [8] ~9 [9] This case now presents the classical situation in which no other agency will take the responsibility for determining the appropriate wage rate to be applied to particular work in question. In such cases over the years the Labor Department would take the required leadership and responsibility and decide the matter. In no other way can there result the required coordination of administration and enforcement which Reorganization Plan 14 requires. Such a determination is what the Petitioner wants. After considering the record in this matter as submitted by ESA, all oral and written arguments including the petitioner's post hearing statement, and being duly advised in the premises, the Board issues the following order. ORDER Utilizing the Labor Department's standard procedures and regulations, the ESA Administrator shall reassess its positions in this matter and should determine and affirmatively advise all interested agencies the appropriate wage [9] ~10 [10] rate for carpenters for the proposed contract work at the Greater Wilmington Airport. SO ORDERED. (s) Oscar S. Smith, Chairman (s) Col. Clarence D. Barker, Member (s) Stuart Rothman, Member [10]

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