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Vinnell Corp., WAB No. 73-07 (WAB Sept. 14, 1973)

CCASE: AMERON, INC. DDATE: 19730914 TTEXT: ~1 [1] WAGE APPEALS BOARD UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WASHINGTON, D. C. In the Matter of: Applicability of the Davis-Bacon and Related WAB Case No. 73-07 Acts to Certain Fabrication Activities of Ameron, Inc., Subcontractor to Vinnell SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION Corporation, Prime Contractor on U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Dated: September 14, 1973 Reclamation Contract No. 14-06-D-7223, Navajo Indian Irrigation Project, New Mexico. Vinnell Corporation and Ameron, Inc., APPEARANCES: Richard G. Kleindienst, Esquire, Robert R. Tinnin, Jr., Esquire Albuquerque, New Mexico for the Petitioners, George E. Rivers, Esquire, Counsel for Construction Wage Standards, Office of the Solicitor and Counsel for the Assistant Administrator, Wage and Hour United States Department of Labor Thomas X. Dunn, Esquire, Associate General Counsel for the Building & Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO and for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Washington, D.C. [1] ~2 [2] Gerard R. Treanor, Esquire, International Union of Operating Engineers, Washington, D.C. Justin P. Patterson, Esquire, Office of the Solicitor, U. S. Department of Interior, Washington, D.C. SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION Subsequent to the Wage Appeals Board's issuance of its Decision and Order on September 14, 1973, the Solicitor of Labor for the Employment Standards Administrator petitioned this Board to hear the Solicitor at a special hearing in connection with the Decision and Order. Labor organizations made similar requests. A hearing was held at the United States Department of Labor, in Washington, D.C., on March 6, 1974, to ascertain the nature of the review requested and to hear the contentions of interested persons and parties. At the March 6, 1974 hearing, Counsel for ESA stated that when the Board hearing of July 27, 1973 was held prior to issuance of the Decision and Order, he [*] assumed [*] that if the Board agreed that the disputed activities were subject to the Act, the predetermined wage rates set forth in the contract specifications would be the rates or classes of rates applicable to such activities as provided in 29 CFR 5.5(a). [EMPHASIS IN ORIGINAL] "Consequently," Counsel for ESA stated, "the parties did not present argument on the issue of the applicable rates per se." The Labor organizations have taken the same view. [2] ~3 [3] Upon consideration of prehearing statements and those made orally at the hearing of March 6, 1974, the Board finds that the subject of classifications with ensuing rates of pay was indeed a part of the July 27, 1973 hearing germane to the issue of liability presented for resolution. /FN1/ The matters raised at the March 6, 1974 hearing have been fully considered in the Board's September 14, 197[3] decision, WAB 73-07. That decision also reviews the safeguards against [3] ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ /FN1/It was suggested at the July 27, 1973 hearing and it is indeed a serious contention that once it is determined that the prestressed concrete pipe sections are being fabricated on the project site, the employer should [[9][10]] use wage rates of, for example, iron workers for inserting reinforcing rods, carpenters for certain form work, laborers for various types of unskilled labor, operating engineers for handling and moving equipment usually assigned to operating engineers, and since there is a considerable amount of concrete and cement work, the usual assignments should also be made to cement masons and other crafts as if the work were performed under the conventional construction option. Decision, WAB 73-07, (Sept. 14, 1973), [pp. 9-10]. Petitioners had requested ESA to establish an appropriate schedule as covered work only to be told at the time that the work was not covered. [3] ~4 [4] abuse in this kind of a situation. The Decision and Order of the Wage Appeals Board in WAB 73-07 is reaffirmed. /FN2/ Oscar S. Smith, Chairman Stuart Rothman, Member Clarence D. Barker, Member [4] ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ /FN2/ In the Order in that case, the Board stated: 4. The Contract specifications gave this contractor and his subcontractor the election to prosecute the work by (a) traditional construction means using concrete form work and pouring in place, or (b) by using a changed technology of fabricating prestressed concrete pipe in 20-feet sections 17-feet in diameter, and weighing 150 tons per section. The contractor in electing to prosecute the work by a process and means different in nature from the more traditional in place construction methods did not violate the contract provisions by paying rates prevailing for such work done under option (b). The bargained rates under the circumstances in this area constitute the prevailing rates for the plant fabrication work at this time. . . . WAB 73-07, p. 13, item 4. And the Board further found, . . . . There are no other wage rates for this work in this area and these rates have in fact been paid in the past in the locality for this type of work. WAB 73-07, p. 13, item 3. The Board finds that the last sentence of item 4 as quoted above should more appropriately read: The bargained rates under the circumstances in this area constitute the prevailing rates for work performed under option (b) at this time. And this change is made in Decision WAB 73-07. [4]

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