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September 23, 2008         DOL Home > OALJ Home > USDOL/OALJ Reporter

Anderson Construction, Co., Inc., WAB No. 1972-06(a) (WAB June 23, 1972)

CCASE: CLINTON DAM PROJECT DDATE: 19720623 TTEXT: ~1 [1] UNITED STATES OF AMERICA UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WAGE APPEALS BOARD IN THE MATTER OF WAGE APPEALS BOARD The Prevailing Wage Rates Applicable to the Clinton Dam Project; U.S. Army Case No. 72-06(a) Corps of Engineers Invitation to Bid No. DACW-41-72-B-0071; Wage Dated: June 23, 1972 Determination 72-KS-102; Douglas County, Kansas Anderson Construction, Company, Inc.; Reece Construction Company; Riddle Contracting; Cook Construction Company; Heide-Christolear Construction Co.; Hixson and Lehenbauer; Bushman Construction Company; Van Pak Construction, Inc. PETITIONERS SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION On June 14, 1972, the Wage Appeals Board issued its Decision in the above matter and copies thereof were promptly furnished all interested parties. On June 20, 1972, Counsel for the Assistant Administrator, Employment Standards Administration, Wage and Hour Division, [1] ~2 [2] U. S. Department of Labor, citing a telegram received from Counsel for the Petitioners, requested clarification of the "Board's meaning with regard to the scope of the area to be considered in his [the Assistant Administrator's] review" of the matter in order to comply with the Board's Remand Order for a recalculation of Wage Decision 72-KS-102 or the issuance of a new determination in accordance with the Board's findings and direction. On the same date, June 20, 1972, by direction of the Board, the Executive Secretary responded to this inquiry, as follows: George E. Rivers, Esquire Counsel for the Assistant Administrator Employment Standards Administration Wage and Hour Division U. S. Department of Labor Washington, D. C. 20210 Re: Clinton Dam Project Douglas County, Kansas Wage Appeals Board Case No. 72-06 Dear Mr. Rivers: Reference is made to your letter and enclosure of this date on behalf of the Administrator requesting clarification of the Decision issued by the Wage Appeals Board on June 14, 1972 in the Clinton Dam case, WAB 72-06, with respect to the scope of the area to be considered by the Administrator in the recalculation of Wage Decision 72-KS-102 predetermined for the Clinton Dam project, or in the issuance of a new wage determination in accordance with the Board's findings and direction. The Board has directed me to advise you as follows: On page 9 of the Board's Decision of June 14th, it was stated: Under the circumstances, we believe the Administrator was on the right track when he considered not only the Melvern Dam but also the Kansas City Power Dam, and [2] ~3 [3] he should also have completed the triangle by including other heavy construction work currently in progress at the Perry Dam location . . ." Under footnote No. 1 to the foregoing paragraph, the Board again referred to other similar construction jobs in the "triangle area", the triangle area running from Melvern Dam (Osage County) to Perry Dam (Jefferson County) to the Kansas City Power and Light Dam (Linn County), with the Clinton Dam in Douglas County being in the general center of that triangle. On page 10 of the Decision, the Board stated that, "under the circumstances of this case, we find that the Administrator should have considered all heavy construction projects . . . in the surrounding counties, including those in Douglas, Shawnee, Osage, Linn, Miami and Jefferson Counties." These are the counties forming the triangle area referred to above. The Board then noted from the record that "surveys already made by the Administrator indicate that the following projects should be considered," and listed thirteen specific projects apparently of a character similar to the job in question, all of which were located in the triangle area bounded by the six counties cited above. By specifying the above six counties and the thirteen heavy projects therein, considered within the framework of the June 14th Decision in this case, the Board intended to guide the Administrator in his wage predetermination function by looking to these specific counties and these identified projects of a character similar to the Clinton Dam job. It was not the intention of the Board to expand into counties further removed from the Clinton Dam site than the counties comprising the triangle area referred to in the Decision. Utilizing these counties and these jobs (plus any other heavy proJects he might find in Douglas County, where the Clinton Dam is located) was deemed to constitute "a sufficiently realistic and comprehensive field of data based on payroll [3] ~4 [4] evidence to resolve the issues raised by the protests and to fulfill his [the Administrator's] statutory functions fairly and fully," as stated on page 10 of the Decision. By Direction of the Board: Peter F. Martin Executive Secretary, Wage Appeals Board Due to clerical inadvertence, copies of the above letter were not simultaneously directed to all interested parties, although the Assistant Administrator did forward his file in this matter, including the June 20th letter of clarification, to the Department's Kansas City, Missouri Regional Office to be available for the use of Counsel for Petitioners. On June 21, 1972, the Board received from Counsel for the Petitioner copies of a "Petition for Clarification of Decision of June 14, 1972." On review of this Petition, and in view of the June 20th letter of clarification in this case, the Petition for Clarification received on June 21, 1972 is denied. Oscar S. Smith, Chairman Stuart Rothman, Member Clarence D. Barker, Member [4]

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