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Texas Highway-Heavy Branch of the Associated General Contractors of America, WAB No. 68-01 (WAB May 16, 1968)

CCASE: JEFFERSON COUNTY, TX LEVEES DDATE: 19680516 TTEXT: ~1 [1] U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WAGE APPEALS BOARD In the Matter of WAB The determination of prevailing Case No. 68-01 wage rates applicable to the construction of levees in Jefferson DATED: MAY 16, 1968 County, Texas, under Solicitor's Wage Decisions AH-15,331 and AH-15,332 Before: Oscar S. Smith, Chairman, and Clarence D. Barker, Member. DECISION AND ORDER I. This is a proceeding under Order No. 32-61, as amended, of the Secretary of Labor, following a petition for review of the above-captioned wage decisions filed by the Texas Highway-Heavy Branch of the Associated General Contractors of America on April 30, 1968, pursuant to the Wage Appeals Board's rules of procedure (29 CFR Part 7). Written statements in response to the petition were filed by the Solicitor of Labor and by the International Union of Operating Engineers, AFL-CIO, the National Joint Heavy and Highway Construction Committee, AFL-CIO, and the Building Trades Department, AFL-CIO. An oral proceeding was held on May 10, 1968, during which interested persons were heard. [1] ~2 [2] Wage Decisions AH-15,331 and AH- 15,332 were issued to the Galveston District of the Corps of Engineers on March 19, 1968. AH-15,331 was issued for the construction of Port Acres Levee Station 1221 + 20 to Station 1293 + 60, Port Arthur, Texas (Bid Invitation Number DACW 64-68-B-0094). AH-15,332 was for the construction of Two Test Levees, Taylors Bayou and Sabine Tank Farm Area, 1st Stage Station 938 + 40 to Station 1212 + 50, Port Arthur, Texas (Bid Invitation Number DACW 64-68-B-0095). The proposed levees are essentially large earthmoving undertakings /FN1/ which are said by the petitioner to resemble in nature and construction certain highway projects in Jefferson County. The petitioner supports his position in this regard with submissions by highway engineers and considerable technical data. The petitioner has emphasized that, because of the low terrain and altitude of this Gulf county, some of the highways are said to serve a dual purpose of a levee and road system. [2] ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ /FN1/ Wage Decision AH-15,331 was issued for a project described by the Corps of Engineers as follows: The project, in general, involves the construction of 7,240 linear feet of earth levee with a bituminous surfaced road on the crown and five ramps. Four 5' x 4' x 200' and four 5' x 4' x 54' multiple box culverts with headwalls are to be constructed of reinforced concrete. The levee will be constructed by dragline or other land equipment. Wage Decision AH-15,332 was issued for a project described by the Corps of Engineers as follows: The project, in general, consists of first stage compacted earth levee construction including two test embankment sections, temporary drainage structures and a temporary bridge across Alligator Bayou. [2] ~3 [3] The proposed levees are inland, and are said by the petitioner not to have the characteristics of marine construction, as do other levees in the county. The petitioner asserts that the levees do not require piling, cribbing, riprap, or other materials necessary to protect the levee from water action upon its embankment and that they will be constructed by using engineering techniques common to embankments constructed from dry cuts and fills, subgrading, and paving. The Solicitor's counsel and the union representatives emphasize that these projects are characterized overall as levees and not highways and therefore are distinguishable from highways for wage determination purposes. Further, the Solicitor's counsel asserts that the projects should be considered to be fairly within the compass of marine construction largely on the strength of the piling and slope requirements, and that marine construction operations, such as the construction of levees, are grouped under heavy construction rather than highway construction in Industry 1621 of the Standard Industrial Classification Manual (1967). The Manual, published by the Bureau of the Budget, seeks to conform its classifications to the existing structures of American industry. II. Because of the overall resemblance in nature and techniques in construction between the proposed levees and the highway projects of the type described to the Board, the petitioner asserts that the [3] ~4 [4] Solicitor erred in the wage decisions in question by failing to consider evidence of wages paid on such highway projects. The petitioner contends that such projects are "of a character similar to the contract work" involved within the meaning of the Davis-Bacon Act. The petitioner does not argue in his brief that only the highway projects should be so considered, nor did we understand its counsel to argue so in his oral presentation. In contrast, the Solicitor and the unions argue that the petitioner is essentially seeking consideration of "work of a similar nature", a standard contained in the 1931 Davis-Bacon Act, but replaced in the 1935 amendments to the Act by the similarity of projects standard. We are satisfied that there is a substantial likeness between the proposed levees and the highway projects described to us; i.e., those resembling the proposed levees but differing as to ultimate use. Therefore, the Solicitor is directed to consider projects of this type in the county as projects similar to the proposed levees. The fact that projects strongly resembling each other may be destined for wholly or partially different uses does not detract from their similar character for wage determination purposes. The legislative history of the standard suggests that it is not intended to go so far as to require a coincidence of uses. See Legislative History of the Davis-Bacon Act [Committee Print], House Committee [4] ~5 [5] on Education and Labor, 87th Cong., 2d Sess., p. 58 (1962). The employment of terms or labels such as "levee" and "highway" to characterize a project are not necessarily controlling, where they only serve to describe the use rather than the nature of the project involved. A different conclusion could well lead to absurdities in applying the Davis-Bacon Act to building construction projects. We do not hold that resort should be made to highway projects per se, but only to those of the type described to the Board; i.e., those resembling the proposed levees, but differing as to ultimate use. Further, as we have indicated, we do not understand the petitioner to suggest that wage rates for the proposed levees be determined exclusively from those paid on highway projects of the type described to the Board, and the Board does not so conclude. It is expected that the Solicitor, in addition, will continue to look to the wage rates paid on other projects which he has heretofore considered to be of a character similar to the proposed levees. SO ORDERED. OSCAR S. SMITH, CHAIRMAN CLARENCE D. BARKER, MEMBER [5]

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