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USDOL v. URBAN LABORATORIES, INC., 1981-SCA-1325, 1981-SCA-1394, 1984-SCA-31 (Under Sec'y May 20, 1986)

CCASE: Raymond J. Donovan DDATE: 19860520 TTEXT: ~1 [1] THE UNDER SECRETARY OF LABOR WASHINGTON, D.C. 20210 In the Matter of Raymond J. Donovan, Secretary of Labor, United States Department of Labor Complainant v. Urban Laboratories, Inc., and Case No. 81-SCA-1325 Gerald G. Burke, Respondents In the Matter of Urban Laboratories, Inc., a Case No. 81-SCA-1394 corporation, and Dr. Gerald G. Burke, an individual, and Lemont Combs, Jr., an individual Respondents In the Matter of Urban Laboratories, Inc., a Case No. 84-SCA-31 Corporation and Gerald Burke, Respondents ORDER /FN1/ Respondent Gerald G. Burke has applied for relief from the ineligible list provisions under Section 5(a) of the McNamara-O'Hara Service Contract Act of 1965, as amended (SCA), 41 U.S.C. [secs] 351-358 (1982). ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ /FN1/ The Under Secretary has been designated by the Secretary to perform the functions of the Board of Service Contract Appeals pending the appointment of a duly constituted Board. 29 C.F.R. [sec] 8.0 (1985). [1] ~2 [2] The record in the above cases indicates that respondent Gerald G. Burke was the subject of three complaints filed by the Regional Solicitor, United States Department of Labor, alleging monetary and recordkeeping violations of the SCA. In Case No. 81-SCA-1325, Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Robert L. Hillyard issued a Decision and Order on August 31, 1983, recommending that respondents Gerald G. Burke and Urban Laboratories, Inc., be placed on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible bidders. No appeals were filed within the time period allowed and respondents' names were placed on the debarred bidders list effective November 1, 1984, for a period of three years. The record contains a signed receipt showing that a copy of the ALJ's Decision and Order dated August 31, 1983, was sent to Respondent Burke by certified mail and received on September 26, 1983. On September 28, 1983, ALJ Edward C. Burch issued a decision in Case No. 81-SCA-1394 involving a different contract. In addition to Gerald Burke and Urban Laboratories, Inc., another principal in the corporation, Lemont Combs, was a respondent. The ALJ found that violations had occurred and recommended that Urban Laboratories, Inc. and Combs be debarred and that respondent Burke be relieved from debarment. Burke has not been debarred for any violations concerning this contract. [2] ~3 [3] On May 24, 1984, ALJ E. Earl Thomas issued a decision in Case No. 84-SCA-31 involving Gerald Burke and Urban Laboratories, Inc. In that case, respondents failed to answer the complaint and the ALJ issued a default judgment, finding respondents liable for $3,187.75 in underpayments and recommending debarment. No appeal was filed within the time allowed and respondents' names were again placed on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible bidders. The effective date of debarment for that offense was January 2, 1985. A party may file a petition for review within 40 days after the date of the decision of the ALJ. 29 C.F.R. [sec] 6.20 (1985)./FN2/ The decisions finding that Respondent Burke's name should be placed on the list of ineligible bidders were issued in 1983 and 1984, thus respondent's instant appeal is unquestionably out of time. Respondent acknowledges that his appeal is untimely, contending that he was not given notice of the debarment and, therefore, could not file a timely appeal. However, the record in Case No. 81-SCA-1325 establishes that Burke received actual notice of the decision in that case. Further, the record in Case No. 84-SCA-31 contains an affidavit from Leighton A. Beers, Jr., attorney in the Regional Solicitor's office, stating that ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ /FN2/ These regulations became effective March 21, 1984: 49 Fed. Reg. 10,627 (1984). Prior to this date, application for relief from the SCA's ineligible list provisions under [sec] 5(a) could be filed with the Secretary within 20 days from the date of service of the ALJ's decision. 29 C.F.R. [sec] 6.12(a)(1983). [3] ~4 [4] numerous attempts were made to serve respondent notices by certified and regular mail. These notices were sent to respondent's current address and were returned "unclaimed" or "refused". Respondent's contention that he was not given notice is without merit. The regulations provide that service of documents shall be to a party's last known address and that service by mail is complete on mailing. 29 C.F.R. [sec] 6.3 (1985). The record indicates that proper procedures were followed in all respects for both cases in which debarment was recommended. Accordingly, respondent's petition for review is DENIED. SO ORDERED. [Dennis E. Whitfield] Under Secretary Dated: MAY 20 1986 Washington, D.C. [4]

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