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NEW LTR CORP, 1986-CBV-1 (Dep. Sec'y Feb. 22, 1991)

CCASE: NEW LTR CORPORATION DDATE: 19910222 TTEXT: ~1 [1] U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR DEPUTY SECRETARY OF LABOR WASHINGTON, D.C. 20210 DATE: February 22, 1991 CASE NO. 86-CBV-1 IN THE MATTER OF APPLICABILITY OF WAGE RATES COLLECTIVELY BARGAINED BY THE NEW LTR CORPORATION AND THE AMALGAMATED TRANSIT UNION LOCAL 1225 TO EMPLOYMENT OF SERVICE EMPLOYEES UNDER A CONTRACT FOR BUS SERVICES IN LAS VEGAS, NEVADA. BEFORE: THE DEPUTY SECRETARY OF LABOR /FN1/ FINAL ORDER OF DISMISSAL This matter is before me in accordance with the McNamara- O'Hara Service Contract Act of 1965, as amended (MOSCA), 41 U.S.C. [secs] 351-358 (1988), and the implementing regulations thereunder at 29 C.F.R. Parts 4, 6 and 8 (1990). On February 29 and March 1, 1988, a hearing was held before Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Robert J. Brissenden pursuant to requests by the United States Department of Energy and Reynolds Electrical & Engineering Co., Inc., under Section 4(c) of MOSCA, 41 U.S.C. [sec] 353(c), to determine whether the wage rates for bus drivers contained in Wage Determination No. 80-676 (Rev. 2), which incorporated the rates contained in the collective bargaining agreement between the Amalgamated Transit Union and [1] ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ /FN1/ The Deputy Secretary has been designated by the Secretary to perform the functions of the Board of Service Contract Appeals pending the appointment of a duly constituted Board. 29 C.F.R. [sec] 8.0 (1990). [1] ~2 [2] the New LTR Corporation were "substantially at variance with those which prevail for services of a character similar in the locality." 29 C.F.R. [sec] 4.10(c). See 29 C.F.R. [sec] 4.10(a). On June 24, 1988, the ALJ issued a Decision and Order (D. and 0.), holding that the $14.062 hourly rate for bus drivers was substantially at variance with the prevailing hourly rate of $9.74. D. and 0. at 6-7. On July 1, 1988, the Amalgamated Transit Union filed a Petition for Review (joined by the subcontractor, the New LTR Corporation). On July 27, 1988, the Wage and Hour Administrator filed a Petition for Review and Motion for Remand. /FN2/ On August 3, 1988, the prime contractor, Reynolds Electrical & Engineering Co., Inc., filed its Opposition to Petition for Review filed by the Amalgamated Transit Union. On February 21, 1989, the Wage and Hour Administrator filed a Motion to Dismiss the petitions on the ground that this matter is now moot. (Significantly, none of the other parties filed any opposition to the Administrator's motion.) The Administrator's request for a hearing was made in July 1985. The Administrator's motion states that [i]n the meantime, the collective bargaining agreement which served as the basis for the challenged wage determination expired on August 4, 1987, and was not [2] ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ /FN2/ Remand was requested to correct the ALJ's alleged reliance on outdated wage information. "In order to correct the judge's erroneous reliance on 1985 wage rates, the case should be remanded . . . to determine whether the current collectively bargained rate of $14.062 is substantially at variance with the most current prevailing wage rates." Administrator's Memorandum in Support of Petition at 3. [2] ~3 [3] followed by a new collective bargaining agreement. In addition, the subcontract for the bus driver services at issue in this case expired January 1, 1989 and a new contract went into effect on January 2, 1989. Consequently, when the Department of Energy requested a wage determination for this new subcontract, the Administrator issued a prevailing wage determination (WD No. 88-569). The Petitions for Review are moot because the collectively bargained rates, the wage determination and the contract at issue are no longer in effect and could no longer be altered by any further proceedings in this matter. A wage determination issued as a result of a final administrative determination of substantial variance cannot be applied retroactively [quoting 29 C.F.R. [secs] 4.1(b)(a) and 4.163(c)]. Motion to Dismiss at 2-3. Upon consideration of the regulatory provisions and the circumstances presented, I agree with the Administrator that this proceeding is moot. See In the Matter of Applicability of Wage Rates Collectively Bargained by Harry A. Stroh Associates, Inc. and Local 495, Laborers' International Union of North America, AFL-CIO, to Employment of Service Employees under a Contract for Hospital Aseptic Management Services at Altus Air Force Base, Oklahoma, Case No. 84-CBV-2, Deputy Secretary's Final Order, April 8, 1988, slip op. at 2-4; Illinois Migrant Council, Inc. v. United States Department of Labor, Case No. 84-JTP-10, Secretary's Final Decision and Order, July 17, 1986, slip op. at 6-11. Accordingly, this proceeding is dismissed as moot. SO ORDERED. [Roderick DeArment] Deputy Secretary of Labor Washington, D.C. [3] <P>

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