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Background and Overview


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Overview Paper

ORNL Network Research

USN Team:

DOE UltraScience Net


The next generation DOE large-scale science applications have requirements that will drive extreme networking, in terms of sheer high throughputs as well as dynamically stable connections. The UltraScience Net is (USN) an experimental research testbed funded by DOE Office of Science to enable the development of hybrid optical networking and associated technologies to meet the unprecedented demands of large-scale science applications.

Current UltraScience Net Features

Details of the current USN topology, its architecture for supporting applications, middleware and transport, and the design details are maintained at the following locations:

UltraScience Net Current Activities

USN currently supports a number of networking and related activities at national laboratories (FNAL, PNNL, ORNL) and collaborations with other advanced networking projects (OSCARS, HOPI, DRAGON, CHEETAH):

UltraScience Next Steps

UltraScience Net Architecture for Applications, Middleware and Transport

Contacts for USN are:

UltraScience Net and ESnet

The Energy Science Network or ESnet is the Department of Energy's high-speed production network. It connects national laboratories, universities and other institutions with a general-purpose IP-based network and operates in support of DOE research missions. UltraScience Net, in contrast, is an experimental testbed that will support the development of networking and related technologies for the specific requirements of DOE tera-scale and peta-scale scientific applications. Its primary focus will be the exploration of circuit-switching as an alternative to packet switching for high-performance science applications.


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