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September 23, 2008         DOL Home > OALJ Home > Davis-Bacon Act


IN THE MATTER OF:                        *
     Disputes concerning the payment of  *
prevailing wage rates by:                *
Gary w. Stone, d/b/a/ White Tail Express *
          and                            *   Case No.  91-SCA-16
     Proposed debarment for labor        *
standards violations by:                 *
Gary W. Stone, d/b/a White Tail Express  *
Owner                                    *
     With respect to Mail-haul drivers   *
employed by the contractor under         *
U.S. Postal Service Contracts 05057      *
and 05082                                *


     These Consent Findings are entered into by and between the
Secretary of Labor, hereinafter referred to as the "Secretary," and
Gary W. Stone, d/b/a White Tail Express, hereinafter referred to as
the "Respondent."

     The Secretary and Respondent hereby agree as follows:

     (1)  There is now pending before the Office of Administrative
Law Judges, U.S. Department of Labor, a proceeding under 29 CFR
Section 4.6 to determine a dispute concerning the payment of
prevailing wage rates of workers employed by Respondent on the
Mail-haul contracts identified in the case heading, and whether the
Respondent should be debarred from future government contracts. 
McNamara-O'Hara Service Contract Act of 1965, as amended (79 Stat.
789; 41 USC 351, et seq.).

     (2)  It is the desire of the Secretary and the Respondent to
dispense with such proceeding and to dispose of all issues raised
therein, including any and all legal, equitable or other defenses 

[PAGE 2] the Respondent may have, by payment by the Respondent of $15,400 in settlement of all wage claims made by the Secretary on behalf of employees who worked on the aforesaid contracts. The employees and wage amounts are set forth at Exhibit 1, attached hereto. Payment shall be made from amounts presently withheld by the contracting Agency, and the Respondent hereby authorizes said agency to release to the Regional Administrator, Employment Standards Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, Boston, Massachusetts, the above sum. The Regional Administrator shall distribute the back wages to the employees listed above, or to their estates, if necessary, and any sums which, within three years from the date of this agreement, have not been distributed to the employees, or to their personal representatives, because of the inability to locate the proper persons or because of such persons' refusal to accept such sums, shall be deposited with the Treasurer of the United States. (3) The Respondent agrees that it shall be debarred from government contracts for a period of three years time, pursuant to Section 5(a) of the Act. (4) This settlement is intended by the Secretary and the Respondent to be a final resolution of this matter, and each party hereby agrees to bear its own fees and expenses incurred by such party in connection with any stage of this proceeding. This Administrative Law Judge, having reviewed the Consent Findings, concludes that this settlement is in the best interests of all of the parties and it is therefore ORDERED that the settlement agreement shall be, and the same hereby is APPROVED pursuant to the provisions of 29 CFR §18.9. DAVID W. DI NARDI Administrative Law Judge Dated: Boston, Massachusetts DWD:gcb
[PAGE 3] EXHIBIT 1 Louise Chase $ 348.96 John Chenier 4,262.33 Andy LaCasse 3,243.85 Bruce Savery 4,242.90 Michael Vailancourt 3,301.96 $15,400.00 SERVICE SHEET Case Name: Gary Stone, d/b/a, White Tail Express Case No.: 91-SCA-16
[PAGE 4] Title of Document: Decision and Order Approving Consent Findings A copy of the above document was sent to the following: Douglas J. Davidson William B. Field, Esq. Counsel for Employment Standards Gill House-North Common Office of the Solicitor P.O. Box 88 Room N-2716, FPB Chelsea, VT 05038 200 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20210 Administrator, Wage & Hour Division Gary Stone d/b/a U.S. Department of Labor White Tail Express Employment Standards Administration RR1, Box 66 Room S-3502, FPB Corinth, VT 05039 200 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20210 Albert H. Ross, Esq. Office of the Regional Solicitor U.S. Department of Labor One Congress St., 11th Floor Boston, MA 02114 ATTN: Paul J. Katz, Esq. Deputy Associate Solicitor Fair Labor standards U.S. Department of Labor Room N-2716 200 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20210 INTEROFFICE MAIL Reporter ______________________ GAYLE C. BONIA Legal Technician

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