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September 23, 2008         DOL Home > OALJ Home > Davis-Bacon Act


Date:      November 29, 1995

Case No.:  94-DBA-10

In the Matter of                   
Disputes concerning the payment of 
prevailing wage rates and overtime by:


Subcontractor of:

Kenny Construction Company, Inc.
and Paschen Contractors, Inc.
(Joint Venture), Prime Contractor

With respect to:
Contract No. :  80065
Project No.:  IDR-ACIR-94-3(270)53
Route:  FAI 90/94
        Repair and Resurface


Leonard A. Grossman, Esquire
         For the Complainant

Gerald T. Karr, Esquire
Rooks, Pitts and Poust
         For the Respondent

         Administrative Law Judge

                         DECISION AND ORDER

     This case arises under the Federal Aid-Highways Acts, as
amended, and the applicable regulations issued thereunder (29 CFR 

[PAGE 2] Part 5, Section 5.11(b), and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (CWHSSA). Prior to a hearing, counsel for the parties advised that they had reached a settlement which would dispose of all outstanding issues which were presented for adjudication. The parties have furnished a written settlement agreement entitled Consent Findings And Order which they wish to effect their settlement of this matter. This agreement has been submitted to me for consideration and final order without presentation of the evidence. I have reviewed the agreement, which is incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof, and in so doing, approve the settlement agreement. This settlement is intended by the Complainant and the Respondent to be a final resolution of this matter. The parties agree and stipulate that any order consistent with and based upon these consent findings shall have the same force and effect as an order made after full hearing and that the entire record in this case shall consist solely of these stipulations together with the Order of Reference and attachments thereto; that all further procedural steps before the Administrative Law Judge, Administra- tor, and the Wage Appeals Board are hereby waived; and that any right to challenge or contest the validity of any order entered in accordance with these Consent Findings is hereby waived. The parties further agree that each party shall bear its own legal fees and other expenses incurred in any stage of these proceedings. Pursuant to the request of the United States Department of Labor, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) withheld the sum of $111,913.52 from contract payments pending resolution of this matter. In accordance with the agreement of the parties, it is hereby, ORDERED that the sum of $34,196.35 in back wages and fringe benefits shall be paid to the individuals and in the amounts set forth on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made apart hereof, and it is further, ORDERED that the sum of $11,251.34 in overtime compensation shall be paid to the individuals and in the amounts set forth on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made apart hereof, and it is further, ORDERED the total sum of $45,447.69 (representing the combined back wages due under subparagraphs IV(a) and IV(b) hereof) shall be
[PAGE 3] released from the funds withheld by IDOT to the United States Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division, for distribution in accordance with the provisions of these consent findings, and it is further, ORDERED that following receipt of the foregoing amount, the U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division, will release its claim to any remaining funds withheld under the subject contract, and it is further, ORDERED that the United States Department of Labor, shall distribute any amounts paid hereunder to the employees, or to their legal representatives, in the amounts set forth in Exhibit A to the Consent Findings and any such amounts not distributed within one year of the date of entry of this Decision and Order because of inability to locate the proper individuals shall be deposited with the Treasurer of the United States as miscellaneous receipts. _____________________________ Robert L. Hillyard Administrative Law Judge

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