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September 1, 2008

(next issue online September 17)
Homepage Editors Pick File A Novel Variant in the Platelet Endothelial Aggregation Receptor-1 Gene Is Associated With Increased Platelet Aggregability
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | Data Supplement
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Angiopoietin-2 Stimulates Blood Flow Recovery After Femoral Artery Occlusion by Inducing Inflammation and Arteriogenesis
September 4, 2008
Abstract | PDF

Contribution of Host-Derived Tissue Factor to Tumor Neovascularization
September 4, 2008
Abstract | PDF

Metalloproteinase Expression in Monocytes and Macrophages and its Relationship to Atherosclerotic Plaque Instability
September 4, 2008
Abstract | PDF

Lysosomal Targeting and Trafficking of Acid Sphingomyelinase to Lipid Raft Platforms in Coronary Endothelial Cells
September 4, 2008
Abstract | PDF

Vascular Inflammation, Insulin Resistance, and Reduced Nitric Oxide Production Precede the Onset of Peripheral Insulin Resistance
September 4, 2008
Abstract | PDF

Ninein Is Expressed in the Cytoplasm of Angiogenic Tip-Cells and Regulates Tubular Morphogenesis of Endothelial Cells
September 4, 2008
Abstract | PDF

Estrogen-Stimulated Endothelial Repair Requires Osteopontin
September 4, 2008
Abstract | PDF

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Mertk Receptor Mutation Reduces Efferocytosis Efficiency and Promotes Apoptotic Cell Accumulation and Plaque Necrosis in Atherosclerotic Lesions of Apoe–/– Mice
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | Data Supplement

Defective Mer Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Signaling in Bone Marrow Cells Promotes Apoptotic Cell Accumulation and Accelerates Atherosclerosis
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | Data Supplement

Myocardin Is Sufficient for a Smooth Muscle-Like Contractile Phenotype
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | Data Supplement

Low HDL Cholesterol Is a Risk Factor for Deficit and Decline in Memory in Midlife: The Whitehall II Study
Abstract | Full Text | PDF

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