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Quotes and Thoughts of the Week

"World War II didn't affect [Governor Lingle] but we are touched that she still remembers the veterans. She has participated in a lot of our events and she's doing a good job."

- Robert Arakaki, a 100th Infantry Battalion veteran, expressing his appreciation for the Governor's steadfast support of Hawai`i's veterans and men and women in uniform. This week, veterans from the 100t Infantry Battalion visited the State Capitol to present Governor Lingle with a commemorative medallion as a symbol of their thanks. Read more.


"The Administration's concern is for the employees and their families. We will work to ensure that these workers are given every possible opportunity to find meaningful employment. We will do everything we can to assist these workers and their ability to provide for themselves and their families during this difficult time."

- Darwin Ching, director of the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, sharing the state's work to assist employees who are to be, or have been, laid off recently by two local employers on the Big Island - Kona Community Hospital, and North Hawai`i Community Hospital. Read "State to help isle hospital workers" in the Hawai`i Tribune-Herald to learn more.


"We're off to a good start, but we need to make bigger strides as we go forward.  We're going to talk with experts from around the country on the regulatory framework - what's working in other places that have large amounts of renewable energy."

- Governor Lingle, highlighting the critical need for increased energy independence. This week, Governor Lingle traveled to Nassau and Denver to participate in key international conferences and meet with leaders to strengthen Hawai`i's role as a global leader in alternative energy. Read more.

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