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About the Conference


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Governor Lingle welcomes more than 1,000 delegates to the fourth International Women's Leadership Conference in 2007.

Throughout her travels, Governor Linda Lingle has met numerous inspirational women in key leadership roles all over the world.  Wherever she goes, she has made a point to be a part of round-table discussions with these women leaders to better understand and learn from each other. 

After one such meeting during a visit to Japan in 2003, Governor Lingle knew that the people of Hawai‘i deserved the same opportunity to come-together with female leaders from across the globe.  A forum needed to be held to share with each other what successful women from all backgrounds, cultures, religions, and lifestyles were thinking and doing to positively impact our global community.  This coming together of ideas, stories, and networking was brought to life for the first time in September of 2004.

The annual International Women’s Leadership Conference is now in its fifth year.  Over the past four years, the inspiring leadership from women all over the world has moved other aspiring women leaders in Hawai‘i to make their own mark on history and to leave a lasting legacy for future generations.  Delegates leave feeling inspired and motivated while our speakers gain new perspectives from the Hawai‘i women they meet.  The success of this conference continues to grow, making each event more exciting than the last.

Watch a short video featuring Leilani Williams, an attendee who was inspired by last year's conference.

Governor Lingle and conference attendee Dewi Motik Pramono from Indonesia.

Please join Governor Linda Lingle and leaders from 10 different nations this year for the International Women’s Leadership Conference on Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at the Sheraton Waikīkī Hotel & Resort. 

Find out what some attendees of past conferences have to say about the IWLC:

"This was one of the best conferences I have ever been to. Very empowering! I enjoyed the opportunity to meet and speak with dynamic women."

“The Conference provided an international education in leadership and persisting through trying times.  It was excellent!”

"This conference impacted my life in a positive way, now I feel that there is nothing that I can’t accomplish..."

“Every year I hear themes in what the speakers say that truly speak to where I am in my career and in my life.”

What will you say this year? 

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