Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated
U.S. Coast Guard Seventh District Command Logo

United States Coast Guard
District Seven Legal

Miami, Florida

Legal Services

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Legal Assistance

District Seven Legal provides legal support for Coast Guard personnel and their families concerning personal civil legal affairs.

Who is eligible? The Coast Guard goal is to provide legal assistance to active duty members of the Coast Guard and other U.S. Armed Forces (and reservists on active duty or ADT slated for deployment), their dependents, retired members of the Armed Forces and their dependents, dependent survivors of Armed Forces Personnel including those retired, and National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration personnel. Civilian employees are eligible for Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) services but not legal assistance.

Scope of Service. Commandant Instruction 5801.4E outlines the scope of legal assistance services. Routine legal services include:       

Consumer & Contract

Credit Card Fraud
Identity Theft

Family Law

Step Parent Adoptions
Child Support

Servicemember Civil relief Act


Income Taxes

Wills and Estate Planning

Advanced Medical Directive
Letter of Instruction
Power of Attorney’s

***Legal assistance cannot be provided on military administrative or disciplinary matters, private income producing matters or claims against the United States. In-court representation is not available.

Our Forms

Last Modified 6/24/2008