
For more information about the Office of Science Grant Program, go to the Office of Science Grants and Contracts Web Site.

Click here to access the U.S. Department of Energy Industry Interactive Procurement System (IIPS)

Only the applicant organization's authorized administrative official(s) may submit applications through IIPS.

Applicants will need Adobe Acrobat 6.00 for Windows to submit applications electronically.

Office of Science
Financial Assistance Program


Grant Application Forms

The following grant application forms are in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) and are downloadable to your workstation. You should download and submit the forms with a PC running Windows. The technical scientific part of the application should be sent as a seperate PDF file(s) along with the application forms. The completed application must be submitted by an authorized administrative official through the U.S. Department of Energy Industry Interactive Procurement System (IIPS) in PDF format.

Application Forms. Click Here to Download PDF Forms

(If experiencing problems with downloading the PDF forms, please contact the Grants and Contracts Division, Office of Science at (301)903-5212. Be advised this is a very large file and takes a few minutes to open.)

The following is a description of the forms contained in the PDF file.

Face Page (Form DOE F 4650.2) [All applicants]

  • The Face Page should be the first page of your grant application.

  • Face Page OMB Burden Disclosure Statement
  • Budget Page (Form DOE F 4620.1) [All applicants]

    • If you are submitting a multi-year application, complete one Budget Page for each year. It is not necessary to submit a summary budget for the entire multi-year period, unless otherwise requested in a specific solicitation notice.

    • Budget Page Instructions

    Assurance of Compliance [All applicants]

    • Assurance of Compliance - Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs, Form DOE F 1600.5
      Submit form DOE F 1600.5 with each application unless your organization has already been advised otherwise by a DOE operations office.

    Certifications Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; and Drug-Free Workplace Requirements [All applicants]

    • Certifications Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; and Drug-Free Workplace Requirements
      This certification must be submitted with each application.

      Submit "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," Standard Form-LLL with the application, only if payment or agreement to make payment has been made to any lobbying entity for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal action.

      Standard Form-LLL Instructions

    Simpson-Craig Amendment Representation [Only 501(c)(4) Non-Profit Organizations]

  • Simpson-Craig Amendment Representation
    Only 501(c)(4) non-profit organizations shall include the Simpson-Craig Amendment Representation in their application.
  • Applicant organizations which are described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and have engaged in lobbying activities after December 31, 1995, shall not be eligible for the receipt of Federal funds constituting an award, grant, or loan. The Simpson-Craig Amendment Representation must be submitted certifying no involvement in such lobbying activities. DOE's implementation guidance on the Simpson-Craig Amendment is contained in Financial Assistance Letter No. 97-02.
  • Energy Policy Act (EPAct) Representation [Only companies]

    • Only applicants who are companies shall include the EPAct Representation in their application. Select one of the representations below, complete it, then include it in your grant application.

      Background: Section 2306 of the EPAct imposes eligibility requirements on companies seeking financial assistance under Titles XX through XXIII of the EPAct. In order for DOE to make an award to companies that apply for financial assistance under a covered program, DOE must make two determinations. First, DOE must determine that the applicant's participation will be in the economic interest of the United States. The second determination can be satisfied in one of two ways. DOE may determine that the applicant is a United States-owned company. If the applicant is NOT a United States-owned company, it must meet two other tests:

      1. It must be incorporated or organized in the United States, and

      2. Its parent company must be incorporated or organized in a foreign country that affords treatment to United States-owned companies that is comparable to treatment the United States affords foreign-owned companies in the following areas: access to government-supported joint ventures in energy research and development, local investment opportunities, and protection of intellectual property rights.

      Select one:

      EPAct Representation for Awards under $100,000 (Simplified)

      EPAct Representation for Awards of $100,000 or More

    • DOE's implementation guidance on section 2306 of the Energy Policy Act, (EPAct) 42 U.S.C. 13525, is contained in Financial Assistance Letter No. 96-02.

    NOTE: The form entitled "Notice of Energy RD&D Project" DOE F 1430.22, is no longer required.

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