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Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition
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RFE Page 2 - Hazard, Market, Geographic and Nomenclature Information for Yellowfin Tuna (Tuna; Thunnus albacares)

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Nomenclature Table

RFE LinkFDA - SL Market Name
FDA - SL Common Name
FDA - SL Scientific Name
RFE 2 Letter Code
RFE 8 Letter Code
FDA - SL Vernacular NamesAFS Common Name
AFS Scientific Name
AFS Other Names
AFS Synonyms
FAO Scientific Name
FAO Species Code
FAO Common Name English
FAO Common Name French
FAO Common Name Spanish
FAO Synonyms

Yellowfin TunaFDA-SL Market Name: Tuna
FDA-SL Common Name: Yellowfin Tuna
FDA-SL Sci. Name: Thunnus albacares
FDA RFE WWW 2 Letter code: yn
FDA RFE 8 Letter code: thunalba
Vernac. 1) Ahi

AFS Common Name: Yellowfin Tuna
AFS Sci. Name: Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre, 1788)
AFS Other Names:   N.A.

AFS Synonyms:   N.A.
FAO Sci. Name: Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre, 1788)
FAO Species Code: SCOMBR Thun 3
FAO Common English: Yellowfin tuna
FAO Common French: Albacore
FAO Common Spanish: Rabil
FAO Sci. Name with Ref.: Scomber albacares Bonnaterre, 1788;
Tableau Encyclopedique et Methodique, Ichthyologie:140 (Jamaica).

FAO Synonyms: Scomber albacorus Lacepède, 1800;
Thynnus argentivittatus Cuvier in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831;
Scomber sloanei Cuvier in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831;
Thynnus albacora Lowe, 1839;
Thynnus macropterus Temminck & Schlegel, 1844;
Thunnus argentivittatus - South, 1845;
Orcynus subulatus Poey, 1875;
Orcynus albacora - Poey, 1875,
Orcynus macropterus - Kitahara, 1897;
Germo macropterus - Jordan & Snyder, 1901;
Thunnus macropterus - Jordan, Tanaka & Snyder, 1913;
Thunnus allisoni Mowbray, 1920;
Germo argentivittatus - Nichols & Murphy, 1922;
Germo allisoni - Nichols, 1923;
Neothunnus macropters - Kishinouye, 1923;
Neothunnus catalinae Jordan & Evermann, 1926;
Neothunnus albacora - Jordan & Evermann, 1926;
Neothunnus itosibi Jordan & Evermann, 1926;
Neothunnus albacores - Jordan & Evermann, 1926;
Neothunnus allisoni - Jordan & Evermann, 1926;
Kishinoella zacalles Jordan & Evermann, 1926;
Semathunnus guildi Fowler, 1933;
Semathunnus itosibi - Fowler, 1933;
Neothunnus argentivittatus - Beebe & Tee-Van, 1936;
Germo albacora- Fowler, 1936;
Thunnus albacora - Toronese, 1939;
Germo itosibi - Smith, 1949;
Neothunnus albacora brevipinna Bellón & Bardán de Bellón, 1949;
Neothunnus albacora longipinna Bellón & Bardán de Bellón, 1949;
Neothunnus macropterus macropterus - Bellón & Bardán de Bellón, 1949;
Neothunnus macropterus itosibi - Bellón & Bardán de Bellón, 1949;
Neothunnus brevipinna - Postel, 1950;
Thunnus zacalles - Fraser-Brunner, 1950;
Thunnus albacares - Ginsburg, 1953;
Neothunnus albacares - Mather, 1954;
Thunnus albacores - Le Danois, 1954;
Neothunnus albacora macropterus - Schultz, 1960;
Thunnus albacares macropterus - Jones & Silas, 1963a;
Thunnus itosibi Jones & Silas, 1963a.

Geographic Distribution Table

ThumbnailSeafood List (Common, Genus/Species, Market)Occurence (AFS)Occurence (FAO)

Fish ImageYellowfin Tuna
Thunnus albacares
A-PWorldwide in tropical and subtropical seas, but absent from the Mediterranean Sea.

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