Ohio lawmakers, Obama mourn death of Tubbs Jones

August 21, 2008

Source: Columbus Dispatch

By Jonathan Riskind

WASHINGTON - Ohio lawmakers from both sides of the aisle were unanimous tonight in reacting to the death of fellow Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, D-Cleveland. They have lost a friend, not just a colleague, one whose personality and outlook on life transcended politics, ideology and partisanship.

Typical is the statement of House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-West Chester, who noted that he and Tubbs Jones - who died this evening after suffering a brain aneurysm Tuesday night while driving in the Cleveland area - shared neighboring offices in the Longworth House Office Building on Capitol Hill.

"Stephanie and I forged a friendship out of our shared belief that one person can make a difference," Boehner said.  "We were friends who, through the years, shared many laughs even as we engaged in legislative battles from opposite sides of the political aisle."

Boehner added that Tubbs Jones "was a passionate representative who worked tirelessly to make Cleveland a better place for her constituents. Ohio and our nation have suffered a great and unexpected loss today."

Also typical is the statement of Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, who served in the House with Tubbs Jones before being elected in 2006 to the Senate.

Brown said in a statement that he has "lost not just a colleague; I have lost a real friend. Stephanie was that rare person who filled whatever room she entered, whether she was in our home for dinner or leading a crowd of thousands at the Cleveland Convention Center.

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