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Selected U.S. City
and State Extremes

October 2006

Source NOAA/NWS Forecast Offices and compiled by NCDC.
October Station or State Monthly Records
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    This is the Top of the Page Icon Temperature / Dewpoint

    Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
    Wichita, KS Max temp for the month October 1, 2006 97°F N/A N/A
    Russell, KS Max temp for the month October 3, 2006 99°F 97°F October 1, 2006
    Las Vegas, NV High Min Temp for the month October 2, 2006 79°F 76°F October 2, 2005
    Peoria, IL Max temp for the month October 3, 2006 93°F 92°F October 3, 1922
    Springfield, IL Tied max temp for the month October 3, 2006 93°F 93°F October 2, 1953 & October 3, 1954
    Moline, IL Max temp for the month October 3, 2006 95°F 93°F October 3, 1997
    Burlington, IL Tied max temp for the month October 3, 2006 95°F 95°F October 13, 1899
    Dodge City, KS Max temp for the month October 3, 2006 98°F N/A N/A
    St. Louis, MO Tied-Record max temp for the month October 3, 2006 94°F 94°F October, 1953
    Rhinelander Oneida County AP, WI All-time earliest low daily max temp October 13, 2006 30°F 31°F October 13, 1909
    Wausau Downtown AP, WI Earliest all-time low max temp October 13, 2006 32°F 32°F October 16, 1952
    Springfield, IL Ninth coldest October on record October, 2006 avg of 51.2°F avg of 51.9°F October, 1909
    Lincoln, IL Ninth coldest October on record October, 2006 avg of 50.6°F avg of 50.9°F October, 1993
    Bethel, AK Second warmest October on record October, 2006 avg of 38.5°F avg of 36.4°F October, 1946

    This is the Top of the Page Icon Rainfall

    Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
    Hanksville, UT All-Time max 24-hour rainfall October 6, 2006 3.00 inches 1.80 inches August 14, 1952
    Valdez, AK All-time maximum daily rainfall October 9, 2006 4.80 inches 4.06 inches December 22, 1999
    Valdez, AK Maximum rainfall record for the month As of October 21, 2006 15.50 inches 15.43 inches October 1979
    Bethel, AK Wettest October on record October, 2006 4.49 inches 3.70 inches October, 1924
    Huntington, WV Wettest October on record October, 2006 6.38 inches 6.30 inches October, 1925

    This is the Top of the Page Icon Snowfall

    Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
    Chicago, IL Earliest measurable snowfall October 12, 2006 0.3 inches N/A October 18, 1972 and 1989
    Grand Rapids, MI Earliest seasonal daily snowfall October 12, 2006 2.0 inches 4.5 inches October 19, 1989
    Lansing, MI Earliest measurable snowfall on record October 12, 2006 1.5 inches 1.7 inches October 16, 1943
    Buffalo, NY Daily max snowfall for the month October 13, 2006 14 inches 8.3 inches October 12, 2006

    This is the Top of the Page Icon Wind

    Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
    None Reported.

    This is the Top of the Page Icon Pressure

    Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
    None Reported.

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    Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
    None Reported.

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