You are here: Home Legislative Sessions 2004 Legislative Session Statement of Concerns

Statement of Concerns

Senate Bill No. 3193 SD2 HD2 CD1
A Bill for an Act Relating to Consumers.
Senate Bill No. 1611 HD2 CD1
A Bill for an Act Relating to the Deposit Beverage Container Program.
Senate Bill No. 420 SD1 HD1 CD1
A Bill for an Act Relating to State Finances.
Senate Bill No. 3153 SD2 HD2 CD1
A Bill Relating to Making an Appropriation for Bioremediation Research.
House Bill No. 2798 HD1 SD2
A Bill for an Act Relating to the Practice of Pharmacy.
Senate Bill No. 3230 SD2 HD1 CD1
A Bill for an Act Relating to Early Childhood Care.
House Bill No. 2286 HD1 SD1
A Bill for an Act Relating to the Hawai`i Commission for National and Community Service.
Senate Bill No. 2404 SD2 HD1 CD1
A Bill Relating to Making an Appropriation for Expenses of the 2005 National Association of Counties Meeting in Honolulu.
House Bill No. 1765 HD1 SD1 CD1
A Bill for an Act Relating to Government Boards, Commissions, and Agencies.
House Bill No. 2181 HD2
A Bill for an Act Relating to Housing Financing Programs.
House Bill No. 2814 HD2 SD1 CD1
A Bill for an Act Relating to Kalaupapa Settlement.
House Bill No. 2662 HD1 SD1 CD1
A Bill for an Act Relating to Economic Development.
House Bill No. 2292 HD1 SD1
A Bill for an Act Relating to Fees for Electronic Filing, Signing, Serving, Certification, and Verification of Court Documents.
House Bill No. 2294
A Bill for an Act Relating to Fees for Administrative Costs in Traffic Cases.
House Bill No. 1987 HD1 SD1
A Bill for an Act Relating to Motor Vehicles.
House Bill No. 1860 HD1 SD2 CD1
A Bill for an Act Relating to Child Abuse and Neglect.
Senate Bill No. 2716 SD1 HD2 CD1
A Bill for an Act Relating to Education.
House Bill No. 1800
A Bill for an Act Relating to the State Budget.
Senate Bill No. 214 SD3 HD2 CD1
A Bill for an Act Relating Workforce Development.
House Bill No. 2004
A Bill for an Act Relating to the Illegal Use of Controlled Substances.
House Bill No. 2796
A Bill for an Act Relating to State Funds.
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