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Sustainable Development
Sustainable Communities

Sustainable community development embraces a wide array of opportunities and options. USDA works in rural and urban places and its policies and programs recognize the diversity of communities across the United States and the need for community-based action.

Through existing authorities and resources USDA seeks to help communities work in partnership with farmers, landowners, and others in the private sector; increase education and technical skills; connect people to the natural resource base; protect lives and property; expand infrastructure, community facilities, and technology; and coordinate involvement of stakeholders.

By fostering sustainable approaches to community development USDA agencies are helping strengthen the capacity of communities to take integrated action toward improving environmental, social, and economic conditions.


Links to USDA Agencies

Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service (CSREES)

Forest Service (FS)

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

Rural Development (RD)

Last Modified: 03/09/2006
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