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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Adopted 2002-2006 Five-Year Goals and Desired Community Conditions
Goal 2: Public Safety

Residents are safe, feel safe and secure, and have trust and shared responsibility for maintaining a safe environment.

The following links lead to pdf file reports of the Program Strategies that have the stated Desired Community Condition as their Primary Desired Community Condition. Corresponding Departments are in parentheses following the Program Strategy.

Desired Community Condition 1: Residents feel safe in their neighborhoods, schools and the community.

Fire Budget Highlights

Desired Community Condition 2: Residents are safe from crimes against persons and property.

Police Budget Highlights
Family and Community Services Budget Highlights
Corrections/Detention Budget Highlights

Desired Community Condition 3: Residents, including youth, and public safety agencies work together to prevent crime and respond to life safety issues.

Legal Budget Highlights

Desired Community Condition 4: Domestic animals are responsibly cared for and provided safe and healthy home environments.

Desired Community Condition 5: The community is prepared to respond to emergencies, natural disasters, catastrophic acts and other events that threaten the health and safety of the public.

Environmental Health Budget Highlights
Chief Administrative Officer Budget Highlights

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