National Income and Product Accounts Table

Table 7.17. Relation of Monetary Interest Paid and Received in the National Income and Product Accounts to Corresponding Measures as Published by the Internal Revenue Service
[Millions of dollars]

Cautionary note on the use of data in millions of dollars -- The tables provided include estimates in millions of dollars for NIPA series that appear regularly in the national income and product account (NIPA) tables published in the Survey of Current Business. The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) generally does not include estimates at this level of precision in the published tables because the associated sampling and nonsampling errors are larger than this implied level of precision. Compared with the published aggregates, the million-dollar estimates are generally not any more accurate.
Today is: 9/17/2008   Last Revised on August 06, 2008  
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1Interest paid, IRS---  ---  
2Less: Interest paid by foreign
    branches of commercial banks
---  ---  
3Plus: Interest paid by organizations
    not filing corporation income tax
---  ---  
4            Federally sponsored credit
---  ---  
5            Other 1 ---  ---  
6         Interest paid by regulated
             investment companies reported as
             distributions to stockholders
---  ---  
7         Adjustment for mutual savings
             banks and savings and loan
---  ---  
8         Other 2 ---  ---  
9Equals: Monetary interest paid by
    corporations, NIPAs
           Nonfarm proprietorships and
10Interest paid, IRS149,966---  
11Plus: Interest reported on rental
    expense schedule
12         Interest passed through to
13         Interest capitalized on tax
14Less: Adjustment for misreporting on
    income tax returns
15Equals: Monetary interest paid, NIPAs344,228373,525
16Interest received, IRS---  ---  
17Less: Interest received by foreign
    branches of commercial banks
---  ---  
18Plus: Interest received by
    organizations not filing corporation income tax
---  ---  
19            Federal Reserve banks---  ---  
20            Federally sponsored credit
---  ---  
21            Other 3 ---  ---  
22         Adjustment for mutual savings
             banks and savings and loan
---  ---  
23         Other 4 ---  ---  
24Equals: Monetary interest received by
    corporations, NIPAs

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