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Office of Economic Development and International Trade

Business Licensing Database



Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
Hazardous Materials & Waste Management Division
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver , CO   80246-1530
Fax: (303)759-5355
Many small businesses are likely to produce hazardous wastes that require disposal under state Health Department regulations. Anyone opening these types of businesses (or others you may believe may be generating hazardous waste) should contact the Waste Management Division of the Department of Public Health & Environment.

Most likely generators include:

  • dry cleaners,
  • bakeries,
  • newspapers/printing shops/graphic arts,
  • wineries, breweries, distilleries,
  • organic and inorganic chemical formulators and manufacturers,
  • wood finishers,
  • furniture manufacturing and repair,
  • paint manufacturers and applicators,
  • metal finishers,
  • foundries,
  • auto body shops,
  • lumber mills and paper product manufacturers,
  • cement plants,
  • leather finishers and manufacturers,
  • photo equipment and supply manufacturers,
  • hospitals,
  • funeral homes,
  • general contractors,
  • rubber and tire manufacturers,
  • canneries,
  • gasoline service stations,
  • gasoline tank trucks/bulk terminals,
  • producers of natural gas liquids,
  • manufacturers of plastic and synthetic materials,
  • explosives manufacturers,
  • agricultural chemical manufacturers and applicators,
  • meat packing plants,
  • refineries,
  • manufacturers and applicators of asphalt and tar paving mixtures,
  • manufacturers of soap/detergent/cleaning and polishing products,
  • refrigerator/air conditioner service/repair shops,
  • photo finishing labs,
  • utilities,
  • laboratories,
  • pest control operators.
All generators of hazardous waste are required to have an "identification number " from EPA. The EPA program is administered through the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, Waste Management Division. The division can provide generators with the regulations they will need to meet in disposal of their wastes and with more information on resources available to small generators in disposing of their wastes.
Colorado solid waste laws forbid the disposal of any non-residential hazardous waste in state solid waste landfills.


Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
Air Pollution Control Division
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver , CO   80246-1530
Fax: (303)782-0278
Manufacturing and business procedures frequently release chemicals, solvents, and particulate or smoke emissions into the air.
If the emissions are above specified levels, Air Pollution Emission Notice (APEN) is required. $119.96 filing fee, $59.98/hr evaluation fee. Requires final approval and ongoing inspections. Annual fee based on emissions.
Any business that produces air emissions should contact the Technical Assistance Program at 303-692-3320 to determine if they are subject to APEN requirements.


Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
Water Quality Control Division
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver , CO   80246-1530
Fax: (303)691-7702
Pollutant discharge permits required for ALL discharges into water. Contact Permits Unit.

Link:  http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/wq/PermitsUnit/wqcdpmt.html

No site approval required for industrial wastewater treatment plants.
If discharging into a municipal wastewater treatment facility a pre-treatment permit may be required.


U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
1391 Speer Boulevard, Suite 210
Denver , CO   80204
Fax: (303)844-6676
OSHA enforces a variety of health and safety requirements related to workplace exposure to hazardous and toxic substances, i.e., chemicals present in the workplace which are capable of causing harm. In this definition, the term chemicals includes dusts, mixtures, and common materials such as paints, fuels, and solvents. OSHA currently regulates exposure to approximately 400 substances. There are many resources related to accident prevention as well as compliance assistance on the OSHA web site.

Link:  http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/hazardoustoxicsubstances/


Colorado Department of Public Safety
Colorado State Patrol
Hazardous Materials Section
700 Kipling St #1000
Lakewood , CO   80215
Fax: (303)239-4670

Contact State Patrol for placarding and route requirements for materials being transported. If placarding required, contact PUC.


Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies
Public Utilities Commission
Transportation Section
1580 Logan Street, Office Level 2
Denver , CO   80203
Fax: (303)894-2071
Issues transport permits for hazardous materials Proof of $1,000,000 liability insurance required if crossing state lines.


U.S. Department of Transportation
Washington , DC   20590
U.S. DOT's Office of Hazardous Materials Safety is responsible for coordinating a national safety program for the transportation of hazardous materials. It enforces requirements: (1) to have valid authority when operating under a DOT exemption or approval; (2) to be registered with DOT as a shipper or carrier of hazardous materials; and (3) to submit a telephonic and/or written report following the unintentional release of hazardous materials in transportation.

Link:  http://hazmat.dot.gov/


Colorado Department of Revenue
Motor Vehicle Division
1881 Pierce St.
Lakewood , CO   80214
If hazardous material placarding is required for the vehicle transporting fireworks, driver must have a commercial driver's license from the Division of Motor Vehicles, Driver License Administration at 303-205-5613.

Link:  http://www.mv.state.co.us/dlrule99.html

NOTE:  If appropriate, see also ASBESTOS
NOTE:  If appropriate, see also INFECTIOUS WASTE DISPOSAL

page last updated 9/16/03

The Colorado Revised Statutes are available on line at You can locate a statute of interest by searching either on the citation given in the database (e.g., 18-5-307) or on a keyword or phrase.

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