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news update
Rural Wisconsin targeted by McCain, Obama
FORT ATKINSON, Wis. — Mary Ann Steppke is fired up. The 65-year-old retired social worker who was born and raised in Chicago but now calls this small southeastern Wisconsin town home said she's fed up with both John McCain and Barack Obama's ``lies and distortions.'' 8:43 am
Obituaries for Sunday, September 21, 2008
Frieda E. Beermann | Delores A. Bentzen | Susan K. Beranek | Jerome A. Blaschke | David Michael DeRousie | Fred W. Hanssen | Arlyn D. Hein | Tena Mae Jertson | Nina L. Kircheis | Bernadine E. Klinkner | Mary Lou Miller | June Ann Moen | Paul F. Schroeder | Darlene V. Smith | Jeannette E. Steinke | Thelma Marie Weyher

Bust the myth about women and science
I very much enjoyed reading KJ Lang’s article on the higher female populations at our local universities. I’d like to comment on one of “the uncomfortable stereotypes” used to help understand the gap.

home & garden
Waging war on rabbits (2008/09/21)
It’s war, people. We’ve tried putting up with the aggravation.

real time
Fall into flavor
That chill in the air means it’s time for a different kind of fresh. Let onions, squash, grapes, pears and pumpkins take a seat at your dinner table.

Teen Q&A: Teen pregnancy, underage drinking ...
Q: I was watching the news this week about the increase in teen pregnancies nationwide, and I don’t get it. I thought the whole birth control, safe sex and sex education was put in front of teens to improve the situation.

Joe Orso: Teenage tinkerer doesn’t rely on foreign oil
Beneath the ignition of Danny Flaherty’s Mercedes is a switch reminiscent of “The Jetsons.”

Steve Cahalan: Fitness center to open Oct. 1 in Holmen Square (2008/09/21)
Mike and Dana Niedfeldt will open Be Fit fitness center Oct. 1 in the Holmen Square mall at 500 Holmen Drive in Holmen. It’ll be in the same space formerly occupied by Fitness Express, which had different owners and closed Aug. 31.

LED store sees bright future in efficient lighting (2008/09/21)
Luke Storbakken wants to sell you a light bulb. Not just any old light bulb, but a new, expensive and environmentally-friendly bulb.

Dow Jones Industrial Average
S&P 500

IT RUNS ON VEGETABLE OIL: Danny Flaherty's Mercedes runs on waste oil collected from local restaurants. To read more, click here. Dick Riniker photo

the buzz
How do you interpret the extreme weather events of the past year?
The flooding, severe winter and drought are clearly part of a climate change brought about by human activity.
The extreme weather is evidence of a changing climate, but it's unclear human activity is influencing it.
The extremes of the past year were coincidental weather events. One year is no evidence of a trend.
I'm not sure.
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quick links
Daily LIVE!
Craft Beer Night debuts at this year’s Oktoberfest (2008/09/21)
Parades, polkas, brats and beer. When it comes to Oktoberfest, that’s a pretty good beginning.

Don’t miss out on great shows at APT (2008/09/21)
If you haven’t yet made it down to the American Players Theatre (608-588-2361) in Spring Green, Wis., you still have a few chances to see some great theater before the season winds down.

Commonweal presents another one-woman show (2008/09/20)
LANESBORO, MINN. — The Commonweal Theatre Company’s second one-woman show this fall will feature former Commonweal actor Kim Schultz.

A+ Achievers
Logan going green
Ask the Trib
ASK THE TRIB: History of ‘Lake Verchota’ uncertain
Joe Orso: New Torah adds life to local synagogue
Teen Q&A: Teen pregnancy, underage drinking ...
Fall into flavor
Early detection of heart problems can mean longer lives for those with Down syndrome
Home & Garden
Waging war on rabbits
Bob Lamb: Cooking ‘by guess and by gosh’ yields tasty trout
On the largest of the Apostle Islands, life keeps a quaint, laid-back pace
Real Time
Road rules misunderstood: Quiz yourself
Critic at Large
Will Israel install its first woman prime minister since Golda Meir?
Cops & Courts
Crime stats for curious minds
College sports
WIAC, MCC honors
7-28-08: Sunday
From Tribune Files
Thursday, Sept. 6, 1928: Man Hurled To Death From High Stack
City Hall
Alderman explains inconsistent vote
events calendar
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