Responses from the Community

"I want to commend you on the good job you are doing for the citizens of Monroe County."

-Jack and Sharon Kelly

"As your constituent, I would like to thank you for your support of the Violence Against Woman Act and your support for resolutions on accountability for violence against women in Darfur, Chad, and Mexico."

-Karm Luis

"Thank you for so many kindnesses during our trip to Washington last week, and for a great lunch (even though we intended to treat, not to be treated!)."

-James, Mary, and Vance Salter

"On behalf of Girl Scouts of the USA, I would like to thank you for participating in this year's Take Our Daughters to Work Day. So many young girls are not fortunate enough to have access to positive female role models, and this experience provided a handful of girls in this situation with a wonderful opportunity."

-Kathleen Ferrier

"I just wanted to thank all involved for your help in providing the requested letter of support for the Department of Psychology at UM. It means a lot to us."

University of Miami
-Rod Wellness

"We extend our most profound gratitude to you, since it was thanks to you and through the valuable letter you sent to the Honorable Ambassador, James Derham in Guatemala City, that my son was able to obtain his visa to visit the U.S."

-Luisa Marco Ramazzini

"Thank you for making our family vacation possible. We could have not done it without your efforts."

-Grace Medford

“Thank you so much for your help on our behalf in purchasing our trailer from FEMA. Thank you for the stability you helped to provide our family.”

-Taylor Reid

“Today’s college students are the future of our nation, and I can assure you that we are relieved to hear that the access to higher eduation is, and will continue to be, a concern of yours.”

-Jorge Rosario

“Thank you so much for your help in getting an interview for my fiancé in Italy so he could come over here. I’m happy to inform you he is already here, and we’ve already gotten married-thanks for your efforts.”

-Roxana Cerulia

“Thank you for your hard work; we commend you for your leadership role and for your relentless support of this life-saving legislation.”

-Teresa Moan-Merendez

“We are very grateful for your noble attitude and cooperation with u.”

-Julio A. Lopez

“Words cannot express my thankfulness and thank you for having answered to my request due to this almost hopeless situation.”

-Rita M. Arrondo Neninger

“I greatly thank you for your outstanding contribution to myself and to the Hispanic community.”

-Salvador Plasencia

“You’ve inspired us and led the way.”

-Issac Lidsky

“My sincere thanks for your unfailing support, but most importantly, for our friendship.”

-Stanley Tate

“Thank you for having such a wonderful staff and for being our congresswoman.”

-Milica Bookman, Ph.D.

“Without your help, the women would not receive the lifesaving treatment they so desperately need. Your dedication will benefit the millions of women living with caner in out country, and we sincerely appreciate all that you have done to see that they will have access to the lifesaving treatment they need.”

-Fran Visco

“I appreciate the fact that there are still public servants in this day and age who are considerate of their constituency as you and your staff obviously are.”

-Charles Bailey

“Being blind made everything quite difficult but not impossible. Nevertheless, I have always been able to find good people like you along the way willing to help…. Having my sister in the audience during my graduation was a dream come true, and you made that dream possible.”

-Fernando Humphreys

“You have showed once more that you care for your community when your help is needed.”


“We are deeply indebted to your efforts.”

-James Coee

“Some day when I am a successful broadcast journalist I will praise you publicly.”

-Ted Wansley

“We truly appreciate Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen’s support and hope and pray for a speedy resolution that will bring [my fiance’s and me together soon].”

-Ravikumar Baskaran

“I know that the US Catholic Bishops deeply appreciate your outstanding leadership and support, and I look forward to working closely with you on these and other issues in the remainder of the 106th Congress as well as in the 107th Congress.”

-Michael Hill

“A special thanks goes from the bottom of my heart to you, Ms.Ros-Lehtinen, who willingly helped me with guidance and encouragement to become a United States Citizen.”

-Reyla Mediews

“I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your valuable time and support. I will always be grateful to you for this kindness.”

-Mario Nieto-Mendez

“Now, my wife has her Visa, and because of your help, she and my son are finally able to settle down with me in Miami, FL. Without you, this would not have been possible.”

-Hossein Alirezaei Poshtpari

“I cannot begin to express my sincerest gratitude for your kind and most generous assistance. Not only was your responsiveness exceptiona but your genuine concern was refreshing and heartfelt.”

-Maria Labrada

“At last I got my Social Security Benefits thanks to you.”

-Gladys Mavaute

“I also want to let you know how much Miami Children’s Hospital appreciates Rep. Ros-Lehtinen’s efforts to work together with other members of congress this year to seek a FY 2001 appropriation as close as possible to the fall authorization of $285 million for graduate medical education in independent children’s teaching hospitals.”

-Marc Blank

“Thank you for everything you did.”

-Pearre Valcoart

“The courteous attention and help we received from you ad Maytee Sanz as well as your swift assistance in helping us obtain the visa so quickly and in such short notice was instrumental.”

-Carol Wright

“With sincere appreciation or the assistance and support, which you have given me. Thank you so much.”

-Suleyni Medina

“You and your office came through for this student and from what I learned, you are ‘coming through’ for the citizens of Miami-Dade County.”

-Louis Ryan

“I want to express my gratitude for your taking the time off your very busy schedule to prepare such a beautiful letter of reference for Jessica. Also, thank you for your guidance and teachings in the time that Jessica did her internship in your office. You are a great role model. Jessica talks highly of you. After I met you, I saw why.”

-Delia Gonzalez

“With these words I offer my gratitude for all the drive found in one person. May God watch out for you forever.”

-Tamia Ruiz Muazamo

“Thank you…Thank you…Thank you…from the bottom of my heart.”

-Alfonso Hernandez

“I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your valuable time and support. I will always be grateful for your kindness.

-Maria Nieto-Mendez

“Thank you for what you have done to represent and help our community, I just wanted to let you know that as a member of this community I am very proud to have a representative like you and I would also like to thank you for representing my mother and I want you to know you have done a magnificent representation.”

-Sherry Balza

“Thank you for the kindness you and your staff showed to us during our recent trip to Washington.”

-Hector D. Fortun

“Many thanks and do not hesitate to get in touch if I can reciprocate.”

-Oldie M. Soden

“Many and warm thanks for your generous donation of a tour of the United States Capitol, a United States flag, a signed certificate in the family’s name, and breakfast with you in the member’s dining room of the United States Capitol for a family of six to the Department of Psychology’s UM-NSU Center for Autism and Related Disabilities for auction at Tropical Nights 2007.”

-Michael R. Halleran

“I would like to personally thank you for meeting with the FIU Student Government. It was such a pleasure to personally meet with one of our most distinguished alumni and to see, first hand, all the hard work you do on Capitol Hill. Again, thank you for everything you do for FIU, our students, and our nation.”

-Jorge Rosario

“We are so proud of you and grateful for what you do everyday – not only for women, but for all members of our community. As you prepare to celebrate your 20th anniversary as a member of congress in the not too distant future, you can certainly look back on two decades of substantial accomplishments and contributions.”

-Dr. Eduardo J. Padrón

“I met with Kim Sovia-Crandon here in Marathon who promptly forwarded copies of the paperwork to your office. She then directed me to follow up with Maytee Sanz and Maggie Hernandez. By Tuesday, June 26, 2007 my renewal was completed and the license was literally delivered the next day. I couldn’t believe it! Absolutely impressive! My wife thinks I’m a genius for calling you. Thank you for being there”

-Frederick Shubach, Jr.

“Thank you for helping us to obtain our passports in a couple of days after meeting your staff at the Miami office. Maggie and other members of your staff were most helpful.”

-Viraj Wikramanayake

“We would like to start by thanking you and your staff very much for all the help. We called your office in total despair and very concerned of possibly having to close our business. Your office wrote to Administrator Preston of the SBA and explained our situation. A few weeks later we had received a call from our local SVA office stating they had received a call from Washington in reference to us. Thank you and your staff very much and we look forward to meeting you one day.”

-Marlene Veobides

“This was in no small way due to your kind and energetic support in my case.”

-Teresita Michelena

“I am short of words to express my appreciation to you.”

-Zonia G. Cutire

“Thank you for your hard work; we commend you for your leadership role and for your relentless support of this life-saving legislation.”

-Teresa Moan-Merendez

“By supporting this legislation, you have taken a critical first step to responding to this need.”

-Lorraine Lidoff

“At this time of Thanksgiving, I wish to express my most heartfelt thanks to you for all you have done over the past five years to advocate for my release from prison in Beijing.”

-Yang Jianli

“We know this letter of thanks can only begin to express our gratitude for everything you and your incredible staff have done for Marc and us to make this a once in a lifetime Washington experience.”

-Linda Milani

“Thank you very much for writing the letter on behalf of my son, Craig. It was a glowing recommendation for which we are very appreciative. Hopefully, it will help Craig get into the University of Florida and stay in our state where he can contribute to the future well being of our state.”

-Robert J. Merlin

“What a great job you and all your staff did with the letter from the Congresswomen to Capt. Shaw at Homestead ARB. I’ve been getting feed back fro many quarters all week…all very happy and enthusiastic. Capt. Shaw, her family and friends on the base and around the state and the Commanding Officer were all most pleased with the recognition of Capt. Shaw and the important work at the Base.”

-Andy Ireland

“As the mayors and local elected officials of the Florida Keys communities, we want to thank you and your staff (esp. Art, Sarah, Eddy, and Guillermo) for working with and supporting the efforts of the entire Keys delegation during our recent visit to Washington, DC. Our working lunch, complete with Cuban sandwiches, was terrific.”
“We very much appreciate the commitment of your office to help us save and protect the coral reefs of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. All our meetings went well, especially the critical OMB meeting you managed to secure for our group. We pledge to continue our unified efforts to rescue the coral reef ecosystem of the Florida Keys!”

-Mario DiGennaro, Morgan McPherson, Chris Bull, Dave Boerner, and Claude Bullock

“On behalf of the Florida East Coast Railway Society, we want to thank you for facilitating our September 28th tour of Hialeh Tri-Rail yards. The tour, which would have been impossible without your assistance, put a Big smile on the face of all our attendees.”

-Calvin Winter
President, FECRS

“I met with Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, who clearly understood the analogy of our economic reality to the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse. The combined effect of the mandated sewers, insurance, taxes and a soft real estate market could be financial hardship of ruin for many. I specifically requested a line-item appropriation for the authorized spending for waste-water, grants, and low-interest funding sources for those who finance sewer-related expenses.”

-Editor, Keys Opinion

“I want to thank you for your attention and support with my very difficult case. It is so hard to express what I have been thru since my car accident and then my deportation. I have faith in God that I will be back in no time and am trying to be strong. My first struggle was trying to stay alive and not giving up and I have overcome that. I know that Carmen from Telemundo already interviewed you and I heard that went very well. Thank you also for your time with that interview and last but not least, thank you for sending that letter to the Labor Department on my behalf. I just got the good news that the first stage was approved and once I get the money, we can move to the next stage. Maytee from your office has been very helpful as well as I am grateful for that. I look forward to getting back to my home in Miami soon and thanking all of you in person. I will keep Maytee posted on and developments with my case.”

-Catherine Blanco

“Thanks very much for your commitment to improving children’s access to safe and effective medicines and medical devices through passage of the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007.”

-Juan Ulloa

“Ileana Ros-Lehtinen is an honorable, hard-working dedicated woman. She is a clear example of a Hispanic that has made definite history by making many dreams come true for many of us. She has impacted my life as a child and will continue to do so as an adult.”

-Irene Morales
Auburndale Elementary




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