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Real-Time Weather Data and Displays

The University of Wisconsin-Madison's Antarctic Weather Stations Project and Antarctic Meteorological Research Center offers the following Antarctic meteorological data in real-time. Many of these data sets and imagery are archived by the AMRC; for more information, questions, concerns or suggested content additions please contact the AWS project or the AMRC.

[ICON] AWS and AMRC Real-Time Weather Observations and Data

[ICON]Automatic Weather Station Observations

[ICON]Antarctic Composite Satellite Images

[ICON]Polar Orbiting Satellite Images

[ICON]Surface Observations

[ICON]Polar Navigation Tracks

[ICON]Numerical Weather Prediction Displays

  [ICON]Ship and Buoy Observations

[ICON]Pilot Reports

[ICON]Upper Air/Radiosonde Observations

[ICON]Movies and Animations

[ICON]Webcam Images

[USAP Logo] [AMRC Logo] [AWS Logo] [SSEC Logo]

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants Nos. OPP-0537827, OPP-0338147, and OPP-0230028. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the National Science Foundation.