Environmental Health Perspectives
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Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news on the impact of the environment on human health. EHP is published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and its content is free online. Print issues are available by paid subscription.DISCLAIMER
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Instructions to Authors Main Page

Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts submitted to EHP will be processed using Manuscript Central, an online manuscript submission and tracking program (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ehp).

Authors may either log in or select the “Create a New Account” icon to create a new account. To confirm whether or not an account exists, e-mail EHPmanuscripts@niehs.nih.gov.

Once logged in to the Manuscript Central site, authors must click on the “Author Center” link. From this point, the system will guide the user through the submission process. Online help is available at all times during the process via the “Get Help Now” button in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Users may also exit and reenter the submission process at any time before completing a manuscript submission.

After completing an online submission, authors should submit a Competing Interests Form as soon as possible. This form can be found by clicking on the “Instructions & Forms” link in the Author Center. The manuscript number should be noted on the form. Forms may also be obtained by fax (919-541-0273), and then scanned and submitted by email to EHPmanuscripts@niehs.nih.gov, or mailed to:

Environmental Health Perspectives
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Mail Drop EC-15
PO Box 12233
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2233 USA

Authors have the ability to monitor the progress of submissions at any time by logging in to the Author Center using their ID and password. Forgotten passwords may be obtained by clicking “Forgot Your Password.” If an account exists, instructions for resetting the password will be e-mailed to the user.

Manuscripts may be submitted only via the online system. All manuscripts submitted by other methods (e.g., hard copy, e-mail) will be discarded.

The criteria for publication are weighted toward scientific quality and environmental significance. Manuscripts are also assessed according to their originality, scientific merit, appropriate degree of speculation, clarity of presentation, and conciseness.

At least two peer-reviewers will be solicited for comments on the manuscript. Authors will not know the identity of the reviewers. Peer-review is conducted electronically to accelerate the process and each reviewer is asked to complete the review within 3 weeks.

After editorial consideration, a decision letter and reviewers' comments will be e-mailed to authors. If a revision of the manuscript is required, the revised manuscript must be received within 6 weeks of the request. The submission will be cancelled at that time unless the authors obtain prior permission from the Editor-in-Chief. Authors must submit the revised manuscript and a letter responding to reviewers' comments.

Authors are strongly encouraged to submit the names and contact information (including e-mail addresses) of experts in their field of study to add to EHP's scientific reviewer database.

If EHP requests revisions or accepts the manuscript at this point, authors will need to submit all of the following through Manuscript Central (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ehp):

  • All text, tables, and figure legends in one electronic file (Microsoft Word). Make sure that any symbols and/or equations appear correctly on printed copies and that all figures and tables are called out in the body text in numerical order.

  • Each figure as a separate file in either of the following formats: TIFF, JPG, or EPS. Do not embed figures in a word processing file. Each figure must be labeled on the front with the figure number. For TIFF or JPEG format, the resolution should be ≥ 300 dpi for color images, 600 dpi for grayscale images, and ≥ 1200 dpi for line art (black-and-white art). JPEG files should be saved on the “highest quality” setting. Color images should be RGB and saved at a minimum of 8 bits per channel. Because figures may be reduced or enlarged to fit our layouts, sufficient resolution is essential. Vector images should be saved as editable EPS files. Any images embedded in the EPS should also be included in a separate file. Do not convert text to path outlines before submission.

  • A cover letter with responses to the reviewers' comments.
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