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Office of Economic Development and International Trade

Business Licensing Database

Radioactive Materials


Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
Hazardous Materials & Waste Management Division
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver , CO   80246-1530
Fax: (303)759-5355
Any individual who performs or supervises industrial radiographic operations must be certified as meeting radiation safety, testing, and experience requirements.

Link:  http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/op/regs/radiationcontrol/10070105.pdf

Must submit a diagram of storage procedures, transportation procedures, use & emergency procedures, etc.
Commercial Radiography Machines must be registered and inspected according to Department regulations.
Application, annual renewal, and inspection fees vary.

Link:  http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/hm/rad/radioactivematerialslicensing

Uses of certified and certifiable cabinet x-ray systems are exempt, subject to certain safety and record keeping requirements.
A separate fee schedule applies to qualifying Small Entities.

Link:  http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/hm/rad/radioactivematerialslicensing

Other licenses apply to Waste Brokers and Consultants Handling Radioactive Materials, Use of Portable Nuclear Gauges, and Medical Use of Radioactive Materials.

Link:  http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/hm/rad/radioactivematerialslicensing


U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
1391 Speer Boulevard, Suite 210
Denver , CO   80204
Fax: (303)844-6676
OSHA regulates permissible exposures of employees to ionizing radiation in the workplace, and requires employers to supply appropriate personnel monitoring equipment and maintain records.

Link:  http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/radiationionizing/index.html

NOTE:  For disposal of radioactive materials, contact the manufacturer.
NOTE:  For X-ray machines and technicians, see X-RAY MACHINES

page last updated 9/15/03

The Colorado Revised Statutes are available on line at You can locate a statute of interest by searching either on the citation given in the database (e.g., 18-5-307) or on a keyword or phrase.

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