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  Civil Defense - Program Description Minimize

The Kauai Civil Defense Agency has the responsibility for administering and operating the various local, State and Federal civil defense programs for the County. This includes planning, preparing, and coordinating civil defense operations in meeting disaster situations and coordinating post-disaster recovery operations involving State and/or Federal assistance.

Program Objectives:

  1. Improve the operating efficiency of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
  2. Train staff, governmental and non-governmental emergency responders by their participation in exercises and attendance at formal training sessions.
  3. Improve the timeliness and efficiency of the local disaster warning and notification procedure.
  4. Increase public awareness of the civil defense programs through public presentations, public relations news releases, hazard awareness programs, and distribution of emergency preparedness literature.

Mission Statement: To protect the lives and property of all the people living in Kauai County during emergencies or disaster events.

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Kauai Civil Defense Agency
Mark B.L. Marshall, Administrator

Suite 100, 3990 Kaana Street
Lihue, Hawaii, 96766

Phone: (808) 241-1800  |  Fax: (808) 241-1860
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  Department Goals and Duties Minimize

Department Goals

  1. Formulate and update comprehensive emergency plans and procedures for the County of Kauai; provide basic and coordinated guidance to other public and private agencies in the formulation and maintenance of their organization's emergency operations plan.
  2. Activate and execute the County's emergency operations plan under established conditions in an organized and controlled environment.
  3. Coordinate post-disaster recovery and restoration operations.
  4. Maintain continuity of government.


  1. Direct and coordinate the development and administration of the County's total emergency preparedness and response program to ensure prompt and effective action when natural or human-caused disaster threatens or occurs anywhere in the County of Kauai.
  2. Develop and maintain current related emergency plans, SOP's, checklist and programs not specifically assigned to other County, State, Federal or Private agencies.
  3. Initiate and coordinate civil defense preparedness training, test drills to include periodic phone alert “call-up“ exercises and orientation for augmentation personnel which interface government and private organizations in realistically simulated disaster situation.
  4. Maintain updated operational maps in the County EOC by soliciting field agencies to report topographical changes and new human made structures / improvements as they occur and “annotating the changes onto maps by hand.“
  5. Initiate and coordinate civil defense public education and community action programs to include identification of safe area shelters.
  6. Initiate and coordinate mutual agreements and statements of understanding to include procedures for obligating funds with and between organizations and agencies, both public and private, which have resources to make disaster plans workable.
  7. Monitor County legislation and enforcement, and public education programs intended to prevent disasters and mitigate disaster effects.
  8. Review periodically the emergency response plans of all County departments, agencies and Civil Defense Area Organizations, and State district and branch offices; maintain updated master files of plans in county EOC; check for compliance with the basic portion of the plan.
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