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Hurricane Retrofit Program

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The hurricane retrofit grant program will end on June 30, 2008. We will not accept applications received after that date.


Hurricanes are an ever present threat for homes in Hawaii.  There are things that you can do to retrofit your home and make it more resistant to strong winds. 


The Hawaii State Legislature has authorized the Hawaii Insurance Commissioner to establish a limited grant program for homeowners to install wind resistive devices in their homes.   Wind resistive devices are mechanisms that will reduce property damage from strong winds, including tropical storms and hurricanes.  Wind resistive devices included in the program are:


  • certain types of roof to wall connectors
  • roof decking improvements
  • opening protection
  • wall to foundation connections
  • and safe rooms


Wind resistive devices must meet, and be installed in accordance with, our technical specifications to qualify for a grant.


The grant amount is 35 percent of the cost of the wind resistive devices up to a maximum of $2100 (per dwelling lifetime grant).  Grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.  You must complete and pay for the wind resistive devices and installation prior to applying for the grant.  Grants will be subject to your compliance with all program requirements and the availability of funds.  Funds are limited to appropriations made by the Hawaii State Legislature.


To obtain a grant you must comply with the Loss Mitigation Grant Program Guidelines and install a wind resistive device that complies with the Wind Resistive Devices Technical Specifications.  Please follow the Directions when applying for a grant.  


Retrofit contractors may find our Program Overview useful.  This overview is intended as an introduction only and specific reference must be made to the Wind Resistive Devices Technical Specifications when installing wind resistive devices. 


Certain wind resistive devices are subject to approval by the Insurance Division after the manufacturers submit test data documentation for our review.  Manufacturers that wish to have their wind resistive devices approved for inclusion in the grant program must follow the Submittal Requirements for Product Evaluation.


Incomplete applications shall be rejected. You must submit a completed application form, receipts, photographs as requried, and the contractor certification signed by the contractor (inspector certification for do it yourself retrofits). Consult the Directions for more details.


If you have questions about the grant program, please contact the Hawaii Insurance Division at 586-0899. 


Caution:  Wind resistive devices are for property loss reduction. They do not prevent damage. Other than the residential safe room, they do not necessarily make your house a safe shelter to stay in during a hurricane.


Some property insurance companies give a premium discount for installation of wind resistive devices.  Although premium discounts may seem small on an annual dollar basis, over a lifetime they can add up.  The size of the premium discount reflects an actuarial determination about the reduction in risk associated with certain wind resistive devices.  Contact your property insurance company for more information.  Note that your insurance company may have different technical specifications for their premium credit program than this grant program. 




Example of severe hurricane damage to a home:  loss of roof sheathing and roof framing structure, windows breached by windborne debris, and failure of wood foundation posts and beams


Wind Resistive Devices Technical Specification (6-13-2007)

Directions for Applying for a Wind Resistive Device Grant

Loss Mitigation Grant Program Guidelines

Exhibit A-Loss Mitigation Grant Application Form

Exhibit B-Form for Contractor Certification

Exhibit C-Form for Inspector Certification for Self-Retrofit

Loss Mitigation Grant Program Overview

DCCA Submittal Requirements for Product Evaluations

Optional Program for Retrofits Done Between July 2, 2002 and September 18, 2006

Application for Condo Association

History of the Program

Frequently Asked Questions

Wind Resistive Devices Product Evaluations

Page last modified 05-05-2008 08:41 AM
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