Southern Plains Agricultural Research Center, College Station, Texas Site Logo
Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture

Southern Plains Agricultural Research Center

The mission of the Southern Plains Agricultural Research Center (SPARC) is to conduct research that:

  • improves the productivity of important southern crops

  • enhances the safety to the consumer of meat products derived from livestock and poultry

Specific projects at the Center are diverse and include:

  • plant biotechnology

  • improved control methodologies for pathogens and nematodes attacking cotton

  • improved aerial application of agricultural chemicals

  • germplasm enhancement of cotton, sorghum, forage grasses, and pecans

  • effective and environmentally-sound approaches for areawide management of the boll weevil, corn earworm, corn rootworm, and other serious insect pests

  • enhanced microbiological safety of meat products reaching the consumer

  • development of methods to minimize antibiotic resistance in food poisoning pathogens affecting livestock and poultry

Center scientists have a strong commitment to the solution of significant agricultural problems and to the timely and effective transfer to appropriate users of technology developed through their research.  

Last Modified: 09/10/2008