NREL'S Carlisle Earns Solar Service Award

Media may contact:
John Horst, 303-275-4709
email: John Horst

Golden, Colo., July 27, 2000 - Nancy Carlisle recently received the American Solar Energy Society's (ASES) prestigious Rebecca Vories Award, named after the solar energy pioneer who dedicated her personal and professional life to promoting solar energy applications. The award recognizes those who have helped the society meet its mission.

Carlisle is a senior project leader for solar energy and building energy efficiency technologies at the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). For more than 20 years, her work has been devoted to developing solar energy applications in her profession and personal life. At NREL, she has demonstrated determination in developing projects and promoting the importance of solar causes.

Outside of the lab, Carlisle teaches her own workshop, Planning, Designing and Building a Solar Home and organizes Solar Home Tours, where she shares the model solar home she and her husband designed. As a Cub Scout leader, she teaches young people about the importance of math and science.

"Nancy lives her convictions," said Robert Westby, NREL's director of deployment programs.

Carlisle's involvement in solar applications at the laboratory is abundant. As a team manager of Technical Assistance for the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP), she has persuaded federal agencies across the nation to adopt renewable energy measures. She manages a budget of approximately $4 to $5 million, a staff of eight and supervises a subcontracting activity of $2 to $2.5 million. Carlisle has helped federal agencies procure more than 400 pieces of renewable energy hardware for 58 federal facilities.

Carlisle also increases awareness of solar energy through ASES as a leader of the FEMP Renewable Working Group - a collaboration of about 200 federal managers, DOE program managers and renewable energy representatives striving to advance renewable energy technologies.

Carlisle has a master's degree in architecture from the University of Colorado and a master's in urban planning from the University of Arizona. She holds a bachelor's degree in economics from Colorado State University.


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