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NSSDC ID: 1989-033B

Project Data Management Plan(PDMP) Description

06/15/92: A final version of the Magellan PDMP was signed in May 1989. A subsequent revision of the PDMP (Rev. A) is in the final stages and is expected to be completed and signed within the next few months. The Magellan APDTP is still undergoing revisions but is also expected to be signed in the near future. 02/02/93: A new version (Rev. E) of the APDTP has been signed off, but a new version (Rev. F) is due to be released for signature within a few weeks. A new version of the PDMP (Rev. A) has been circulated and signed as well.

PDMP Status

High level PDMP and associated more detailed document both signed

Additional Information

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